设置将当前的日期添加一天 set-date -Date (Get-Date).AddDays(1) 1. 获得日期时间# Get-Date 1. 实例: 获得系统当前的日期 Get-Date -DisplayHint Date 1. 获得系统当前的时间 Get-Date -DisplayHint Time 1. 获得年份 (Get-Date).Year 1. 获得日期对象后,将日期减少1天 (Get-Date).Date.AddDays(...
Add Method System.DateTime Add(System.TimeSpan value) AddDays Method System.DateTime AddDays(double value) AddHours Method System.DateTime AddHours(double value) …… 下面的我就不列了。我来写几个比较常用的方法和属性。 下面这一串方法,用来计算获取相对时间,加的数量可以是正数,也可以是负数。你懂的!
Get-date AddDays Method Not Returning a Value I have an unusual one. The AddDays method of Get-Date isn't returning a value on my computer. It's not working in PowerShell 5 or 7. Get-date by itself works find and returns today's date....
如果你之间键入了一个名词而没有动词的话,PowerShell 将查找带有该名词的 Get- 命令。 小心:尽管 PowerShell 不区分大小写,但在使用 PowerShell 命令是时,名词首字母大写是一个好习惯。比如,键入 date 将会调用系统中的 date 工具。键入 Date 将会调用 PowerShell 的 Get-Date cmdlet。 如果这还不够,PowerShell...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Gets the current date and time. Syntax PowerShell Get-Date[[-Date] <DateTime>] [-Year <Int32>] [-Month <Int32>] [-Day <Int32>] [-Hour <Int32>] [-Minute <Int32>] [-Second <Int32>] [-Millisecond <Int32>] [-DisplayHint <DisplayHintType>] [-Format...
When you pipe a date to cmdlets that expect string input, such as the Add-Content cmdlet, Windows PowerShell converts the DateTime object to a string before adding it to the file. The default ToString() format is short date and long time. To specify an alternate format, use the Format ...
1)<%%>变量在jstl中获取的例子: <% String username="zhangsan"; pageContext.setAttribute...
Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse -OlderThan -30Days 👍 1 iRon7 added the Issue-Enhancement label Dec 27, 2020 Collaborator iSazonov commented Dec 28, 2020 • edited I guess we could have this as implicit (PowerShell magic) operation to implement #12305 but we have no need the operatio...
$yes = (get-date).adddays(-1) get-date -date $yes -uformat"%Y/%m/%d" 输出: 2014/06/23 $yes.tostring("yyyy/MM/dd") 输出:2014/06/23或者 2014-06-23 ,与本机时间格式设置有关 (大M是minute,小m是month) $yes.tostring("yyyy\/MM\/dd") 输出: 2014/06/23 ...