-Day 指定显示月份中的某一天。 输入一个介于 1 到 31 之间的值。 如果指定的值大于一个月内的天数,则 PowerShell 会将天数添加到该月份。 例如,Get-Date -Month 4 -Day 31显示 5 月 1日,而不是4 月 31日。 类型:Int32 Position:Named
PowerShell 複製 Get-Date [[-Date] <DateTime>] [-Year <Int32>] [-Month <Int32>] [-Day <Int32>] [-Hour <Int32>] [-Minute <Int32>] [-Second <Int32>] [-Millisecond <Int32>] [-DisplayHint <DisplayHintType>] [-Format <String>] [-AsUTC] [<CommonParameters>]...
-Day <int> 指定要显示的月的日期。输入一个介于 1-31 之间的值,此值将取代当前日期进行显示。 如果指定的值大于该月中的天数,则 Windows PowerShell 会将该天数添加到此月份并显示结果。例如,“get-date -month 2 -day 31”将显示“March 3”,而不是“February 31”。 是否为必需? false 位置? named ...
$(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($checkdate),[System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule]::FirstFourDayWeek, [DayOfWeek]::Monday) # The ISOWeek.GetWeekOfYearMethod makes this easier in .NET Core 3.0/ .Net standard 2.1 (PowerShell Core 7.0) but this is not available in Windows PowerShell ...
Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Get-Date command in a Workflow. C++复制 publicrefclassGetDatesealed:Microsoft::PowerShell::Activities::PSRemotingActivity Constructors 展开表
Windows PowerShell 实战指南-动手实验-8.10 解答: Get-Random 任务2:找出显示当前时间和日期的Cmdlet 解答: Get-Date 任务3:任务#2的Cmdlet产生的对象类型是什么?...解答: Get-Date | gm 对象类型:TypeName:System.Diagnostics.Process 任务4:使用任务#2中的Cmdlet和Select-object,仅显示是星期几,...示例如下:...
Enable TCP IP and Named Pipes using T-SQL/PowerShell/CMD Error : A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.) Error "[22001][[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Ser...
-Day <int>指定要顯示的當月日期。請輸入 1 至 31 之間的一個值,顯示這個值可代替當天日期。如果指定的值大於當月天數,Windows PowerShell 會累加當月天數並顯示結果。例如,"get-date -month 2 -day 31" 會顯示「3 月 3 日」而非「2 月 31 日」。
Method 1 - Calling PowerShell.exe, this has the advantage that PowerShell is object oriented so will always return the day, month and Year in a consistent way.@Echo off :: GetDate1.cmd :: Display date and time independent of OS Locale, Language or date format. For /f "delims=" %%A...
PowerShell 复制 Get-Date [[-Date] <DateTime>] [-Year <Int32>] [-Month <Int32>] [-Day <Int32>] [-Hour <Int32>] [-Minute <Int32>] [-Second <Int32>] [-Millisecond <Int32>] [-DisplayHint <DisplayHintType>] [-Format <String>] [-AsUTC] [<CommonParameters>]...