Entering debug mode. Use h or ?forhelp. Hit Line breakpoint on'C:\ps-test\test.ps1:1'test.ps1:1functionpsversion { DBG> 使用步驟命令 () 來執行腳本中的第一個語句,並預覽下一個語句。 下一個語句會$MyInvocation使用自動變數,將變數的值$scriptName設定為腳本檔案的路徑和檔名。
哈希表具有Count属性,指示 hashtable中的键值对数。 PowerShell $hash.count3 hashtable 表不是数组,因此不能将整数用作 hashtable中的索引,但可以使用键名称为 hashtable编制索引。 如果键是字符串值,请将键名称括在引号中。 例如: PowerShell $hash["Number"]1 ...
Common verbs used in Windows PowerShell include: Add, Clear, Copy, Get, Join, Lock, Move, New, Remove, Rename, Select, Set, Split, and Unlock. You can tell what each is used for just from its name. In this article I'll create three cmdlets: one to set the data contents of the ...
} Function Get-QryFunction {dir Function:Qry* | sort @{expression={$_.name.split("-")[1] + $_.name.split("-")[0] }} | Select-Object name} if ($myinvocation.line -match "^\.\s") { dir Function:Qry* | measure-object | format-table -property count, @{expression={"Qry ...
The geographic location of the host, based on the IP address The parameters passed to pwsh without the parameter values The Execution Policy setting of the current session A randomly generated GUID representing the user running the instance
Classes don't have a maximum property count. For more information, see about_Classes_Properties. Class methods Methods define the actions that a class can perform. Methods can take parameters that specify input data. Methods always define an output type. If a method doesn't return any output,...
There's no easy way to send that output to a file or to put it in other formats, should I ever want to do so. Most importantly, this text-based approach completely ignores the inherently object-based shell that I'm working in, failing to take advantage of all the incredible techniques...
foreach ($s in $sn.Split(" ")) { if ($s -ne "") { $add += $nl + "INSERT INTO Word_Stage (Word,WordPosition) VALUES ('$s',$cnt)" $cnt++ } } $scon = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $scon.ConnectionString = "SERVER=$srv;DATABASE=$db;integrated...
Split on regular expressions. This option is the default. CultureInvariant Does not use culture-specific capitalization rules when doing a case-insensitive split. IgnorePatternWhitespace Ignores spaces and regular expression comments in the split pattern. Multiline Allows the ^ and $ characters to matc...
PowerShell is .NET-based. It opens nearly the whole of the .NET framework for use in your scripts or from the command line. One small issue is that the whole of the .NET framework isnotloaded into PowerShell by default. There are a number of methods of loading .NET assemblies into Po...