一元-split 运算符拆分由 一元表达式指定的一个或多个字符串,并在一个受约束的 1 维字符串数组中返回其子部分。 它将任何连续的空格字符组视为连续子部分之间的分隔符。 可以使用此运算符的二进制版本(§ 或其两个变体(§7.8)来指定显式分隔符字符串。
<# . Steps: Import and publish retention labels - Load retention labels csv file - Validate csv file input - Create retention labels - Create retention policies - Publish retention labels for the policies - Generate the log for retention labels and policies creation - Generate the csv result fo...
Simple one-liner to split based on number of lines (100 in this case): $i=0; Get-Content ...log -ReadCount 100 | %{$i++; $_ | Out-File out_$i.txt} Where "...log" is the source file name. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Nov 2, 2023 at 1:40 Cœur 38.4...
Split (5) - Return an array of two elements The first element contains matching items The second element contains the remaining itemsThe following example shows how to select all odd numbers from the array.PowerShell Copy (0..9).Where{ $_ % 2 } Output...
Can you disable an AD account based on the email address Can you execute WinRM 2 'set' commands wthin Powershell 2? Can you pass a variable to a SQL Script with invoke-sqlcmd? Can you use PowerShell to change Group Policies? Can you write to an open excel file using powershell? ca...
$WshShell=New-Object-comObject WScript.Shell$lnkPath=($destinationDesktopPath+"\"+$app.DisplayName+".lnk")$Shortcut=$WshShell.CreateShortcut($lnkPath)$Shortcut.TargetPath = $(Split-Path$app.Executable-Leaf)$Shortcut.IconLocation =($env:APPDATA+"\"+$app.Di...
| ?{ (Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -file -Recurse | ?{ $_.LastWriteTime -gt $now.Subtract($retentionPeriod) }) -eq $null } ` | Sort-Object -Property @{ Expression={ $_.FullName.Split([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar).Count }; Descending=$true } ...
-CsvDelimiter- The world is split into two kinds of delimiters - comma and semicolon - choose yours (default is semicolon ';') -OutputPath -AzureDevOpsWikiAsCode- Use this parameter only when running AzGovViz in a Azure DevOps PipelineBased on environment variables the script will detect ...
However, you could use it to read full lines, together with a standard for loop to split each at commas, given that there are none of the characters ?, * and <, > (so for does not need to access the file system to derive matching file names and therefore maintains the give...