<# . Steps: Import and publish retention labels - Load retention labels csv file - Validate csv file input - Create retention labels - Create retention policies - Publish retention labels for the policies - Generate the log for retention labels and policies creation - Generate the csv re...
$uniqueValues = $usedRange.Columns.Item(44).Value2 | Sort-Object -Unique
Split (5) - Return an array of two elements The first element contains matching items The second element contains the remaining itemsThe following example shows how to select all odd numbers from the array.PowerShell Copy (0..9).Where{ $_ % 2 } Output...
Can you disable an AD account based on the email address Can you execute WinRM 2 'set' commands wthin Powershell 2? Can you pass a variable to a SQL Script with invoke-sqlcmd? Can you use PowerShell to change Group Policies? Can you write to an open excel file using powershell? ca...
Can you disable an AD account based on the email address Can you execute WinRM 2 'set' commands wthin Powershell 2? Can you pass a variable to a SQL Script with invoke-sqlcmd? Can you use PowerShell to change Group Policies? Can you write to an open excel file using powershell? ca...
-CsvDelimiter- The world is split into two kinds of delimiters - comma and semicolon - choose yours (default is semicolon ';') -OutputPath -AzureDevOpsWikiAsCode- Use this parameter only when running AzGovViz in a Azure DevOps PipelineBased on environment variables the script will detect ...
Split (5) - Return an array of two elements The first element contains matching items The second element contains the remaining itemsThe following example shows how to select all odd numbers from the array.PowerShell Copy (0..9).Where{ $_ % 2 } Output...
Hadoop reads and splits your data into records for processing by your mapper logic. This data may be streamed from Amazon S3 or read from the Hadoop file system (HDFS) for processing by the EMR mapper and reducer tasks when you execute your Hive query. The default loader processes input ...
(Split-Path $profile) "commandHistory.clixml") if(Test-Path $historyFile) { Import-CliXml $historyFile | Add-History } ## Register for the engine shutdown event $null = Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier ` ([System.Management.Automation.PsEngineEvent]::Exiting) -Action { ## Save our ...
(Split-Path $profile) "commandHistory.clixml") if(Test-Path $historyFile) { Import-CliXml $historyFile | Add-History } ## Register for the engine shutdown event $null = Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier ` ([System.Management.Automation.PsEngineEvent]::Exiting) -Action { ## Save our ...