可以使用 Get-MsolUser cmdlet 查询 Microsoft 365 中的用户帐户列表。 下表列出了此 cmdlet 的常用参数。表4:Get-MsolUser cmdlet 的参数展开表 参数说明 -ObjectID 指定要检索的特定用户帐户的 ObjectID。 -UserPrincipalName 指定要检索的特定用户帐户的 UPN。 -...
User principal name (UPN) Email address Mailbox GUID The UseCustomRouting switch is available only on the following Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets in REST API connections: Get-Clutter Get-FocusedInbox Get-InboxRule Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration Get-MailboxCalendarFolder Get-MailboxFolderPermissio...
如果修改现有收件人的别名值,则仅在收件人受电子邮件地址策略约束的环境中自动更新主电子邮件地址, (收件人) 的 EmailAddressPolicyEnabled 属性为 True。 Alias 参数永远不会生成或更新邮件联系人或邮件用户的主电子邮件地址。 展开表 Type: String Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeli...
How to use powershell to search AD where the user account DO NOT have a specific proxy SMTP address. how to use powershell to search the whole forest for active computers How to use Powershell to set delegate for user mailbox in Exchange 2010 and Office 365 How to use range operator in...
56 thoughts on “Export AD Users to CSV with PowerShell” Hi Robert, In Powershell this works. Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * -SearchBase “OU=Accounting,OU=ADPRO Users,DC=ad,DC=activedirectorypro,DC=com” | select displayname, DistinguishedName, Enabled | export-csv -path c:\temp...
Search Welcome Microsoft Entra Domain Services (Microsoft Managed - DCaaS) Microsoft Entra App Integration and Development Business To Consumer (B2C) Tenants Microsoft Entra Directories, Domains, and Objects Microsoft Entra Governance, Compliance and Reporting Microsoft Entra Sign-in and Multi-...
The DiscoveryMaxPreviewSearchMailboxes parameter specifies the maximum number of mailboxes that a user can include in eDiscovery Search Preview. Expand table Type: Unlimited Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to:...
In this post, I’ll show you several examples of the Get-ADComputer PowerShell command. This command is used to search active directory to get single or all…
Search Identity and Access Solutions and Scenario Guides Active Directory Domain Services Active Directory Domain Services Overview What's new in Active Directory Domain Services Insider Preview AD DS Getting started AD DS Design and Planning AD DS Deployment AD DS Deployment What's New in Active ...
Hi Azure friends, It was about a following customer scenario. The task was to search for users who have been assigned a directory role in Azure Active Directory. Of course this search can b... ForEach($user in $users) { write-host $role.DisplayName,$user.DisplayName,$user.Usag...