Name SamAccountName UserPrincipalName --- --- --- li shi lishi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5、获取指定OU下面的所有用户 Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=SHA,DC=msh,DC=local" 1. 6、导出用户 Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=SHA,DC=msh,DC=local" | ft name...
批量导出AD用户 Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "DC=KFGS, DC=COM, DC=CN" |Select-Object -Property SamAccountName, Surname, GivenName, Name, Group, UserPrincipalName, Path, AccountPassword, Enabled, ChangePasswordAtLogon | Export-Csv -Encoding unicode ADuser.csv...
How to use powershell to search AD where the user account DO NOT have a specific proxy SMTP address. how to use powershell to search the whole forest for active computers How to use Powershell to set delegate for user mailbox in Exchange 2010 and Office 365 How to use range operator in...
$yuntcloud_Lockeduser = Search-ADAccount -LockedOut -SearchBase "dc=yuntcloud,dc=com" -server dc01 | select name, samaccountname $aaa_Lockeduser = Search-ADAccount -LockedOut -SearchBase "dc=aaa,dc=yuntcloud,dc=com" -server aaaDC1 | select name, samaccountname $bbb_Lockeduser = Sea...
步骤1:2008R2的AD域环境,命令如下 Import-Module activedirectory $user=Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * -SearchBase "dc=XXX,dc=com" |select -ExpandProperty samaccountname foreach ($i in $user) ` { $a=Get-ADUser $i -Properties * |% {$_.CanonicalName} ...
$Users = Search-ADAccount -searchbase "OU=Emp,OU=Im,DC=im,DC=com" -LockedOut | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SamAccountName ForEach ($User in $Users){ $Users_Info = Get-AdUser $User -Properties displayname,mail,AccountLockoutTime
if (!(test-path C:\get_locked_user)) {New-Item C:\get_locked_user -type directory} Import-Module activedirectory $yuntcloud_Lockeduser=Search-ADAccount -LockedOut -SearchBase "dc=yuntcloud,dc=com" -server dc01| select name,samaccountname $aaa_Lockeduser=Search-ADAccount -LockedOut...
需求:找出每个AD用户所对应的OU所在位置 步骤1:2008R2的AD域环境,命令如下 Import-Module activedirectory $user=Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * -SearchBase "dc=XXX,dc=com" |select -ExpandProperty samaccountname foreach (iinuser) ` {
想要使用登录名查找用户账号,只需使用6et—QADUSer cmdlet即可。例如,如果你想要查找与sAMAccountName dsotnikov相关联的用户账号,只需输入: Get—OADUserdsotnikov 让我们看看这个cmdlet的工作原理。首先,它使用你用 来启动shell的账号创建当前AD域的一个连接。如果你想要 ...
OU委派管理在企业中经常用到,比如:让部门经理管理自己部门的账号或Helpdesk 来对AD账号进行维护,如果直接给Domain Admin 这肯定是不合适,权限过大,这是OU的委派控制就能起到作用。被委派的用户可以是Domain User,他们可以使用远程管理工具RSAT来对用户进行管理。