Contains 500+ free and stand-alone PowerShell scripts for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Useful on the command-line (CLI), for remote control via SSH, for automation (e.g. via AutoHotkey/Jenkins or on startup/login/logoff/daily/shutdown/etc.), for context menus, for voice commands (see...
Repository files navigation README PowershellScripts To install the module including all source code you can just run in a PowerShell v3 or higher the following command: iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")Ab...
輸入模組的名稱或模組中的檔名,例如 .psd1、 .psm1、 .dll或.ps1 檔案。 檔案路徑是選擇性的。 不允許通配符。 您也可以使用管線將模組名稱與檔案名傳送至 Import-Module。 如果您省略路徑, Import-Module 請在儲存在 $env:PSModulePath 環境變數的路徑中尋找模組。 盡可能只指定模組名稱。 當您指定...
You can debug those PowerShell scripts from the C# project by adding a PowerShell launch configuration to the C# project’s launch.json file. The following animated GIF shows the whole process of adding a launch configuration that launches the PowerShell extension’s Examples\DebugTest.ps1 file ...
cd C:\CloudDeployment\Setup$adminpass=Get-CredentialAdministrator .\InstallAzureStackPOC.ps1-AdminPassword$adminpass.Password-UseADFS 在AD FS 部署中,默认的标记目录服务用作标识提供者。 登录时使用的默认帐户是 azurestackadmin@azurestack.local,而密码则会设置为在 PowerShell 安装命令中提供的密码。
Press F5 to start debugging the DebugTest.ps1 script, and you will see the debugger stop everywhere Write-Output is called. You can tell when the debugger is stopped on a function breakpoint by looking at theCALL STACKsection of the Debug view. It will indicate that it is paused on a ...
Collaborate with us on GitHub The source for this content can be found on GitHub, where you can also create and review issues and pull requests. For more information, see our contributor guide. PowerShell feedback PowerShell is an open source project. Select a link to provide feedb...
PSScriptAnalyzer is a Microsoft-sponsoredopen-sourceWindows PowerShell module that evaluates scripts, modules, DSC resources (.ps1, .psm1, .psd1), commands, functions, and expressions (in strings) for compliance with a set of rules established by the PowerShell team and the community. ...
V1.2 of GetGraphUserStatisticsReport.PS1 is available in GitHub and should be better performing when processing thousands of accounts. Posted in Office 365, Administration, PowerShell Tagged GetGraphUserStatisticsReport.PS1, Microsoft Graph, PowerShell, Usage 6 Comments on Updated Version of the ...
. C:\Users\jmreicha\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\no_ext_tabs.ps1 Close your shell and open it again and you should no longer see the file extensions. There is one last little, unrelated tidbit that I discovered through this process but thought was pretty handy and worth sharing with other Po...