Contains 500+ free and stand-alone PowerShell scripts for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Useful on the command-line (CLI), for remote control via SSH, for automation (e.g. via AutoHotkey/Jenkins or on startup/login/logoff/daily/shutdown/etc.), for context menus, for voice commands (see...
WIRELESS_Get WirelessMacAddress.ps1 _Git.txt install.ps1 Breadcrumbs PowershellScripts / TOOLS_idle.ps1 Latest commit geen@zaken.mee Merge branch 'master' of 9c9516d· Sep 5, 2017 HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs PowershellScripts / TOOLS_idle.ps1Top File ...
Parameter was not found in Get-AzResource or it's aliases. SourceCommand : CommandReference SourceCommandParameter : CommandReferenceParameter Location : devtestlab-add-marketplace-image-to-lab.ps1:14:74 FullPath : C:\Scripts\devtestlab-add-marketplace-image-to-lab.ps1 StartOffset : 556 Original...
Invoke-Command -FilePath c:\scripts\test.ps1 -ComputerName Server01FilePath 参数指定位于本地计算机上的脚本。 该脚本在远程计算机上运行,并将结果返回到本地计算机。示例2:在远程服务器上运行命令此示例在 Server01 远程计算机上运行 Get-Culture 命令。Power...
Or if you take the approach that I once did: I prepended "new" to the script post-update, in case I needed toroll back to the old script. This creates multiple scripts with names like new_NewUserScript.ps1 and forces admins to sort by date modified to find the right one. When someo...
当提示符的左侧显示[<hostname>]时,即表示已连接到远程会话。 现在,我们可以执行与编辑本地脚本相同的步骤。 运行Open-EditorFile test.ps1或psedit test.ps1以打开远程test.ps1文件 编辑文件/设置断点 开始调试 (F5) 远程文件 如有任何疑问,可在GitHub 存储库中提问。
%ProgramFiles%\PowerShell\7-preview\pwsh.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoExit -Command "& 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\shell\condabin\conda-hook.ps1' ; conda activate 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3' " Keep in mind, you will need administrator privileges to create this shortcut in the ProgramData Anacon...
One of the great things about PowerShell is the barrier to entry is low. Writing simple scripts is a task that anyone can do with just a little bit of practice. The downside is that over time, many admins end up with a pile of half-baked scripts that don’t age well. ...
We now have the PowerShell integrated console and full PowerShell support. Go ahead and type some PowerShell code in yourscript.ps1file and test it out! By the way, save yourscript.ps1test file to disk so we can continue using it throughout this tutorial. Let me walk you through the ...
PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management system developed by Microsoft and was made up of shell scripting and built on the .NET Framework.