$Results=$Employees|ForEach-Object-Process{$Employee=$_$Account=$Accounts|Where-Object-FilterScript{$_.Name-eq$Employee.Name } [pscustomobject]@{ Id =$Employee.Id Name =$Employee.Name Email =$Account.Email } } 但是,该实现必须针对$Employee集合中的每个项筛选一次$Accounts集合中的所有 5000 项...
Basic for-loop 範例是效能的基線。 第二個範例會將隨機數產生器包裝在緊密迴圈中呼叫的函式中。 第三個範例會在函式內移動迴圈。 函式只會呼叫一次,但程式代碼仍會產生相同數量的隨機數。 請注意每個範例的執行時間差異。Output 複製 CollectionSize Test TotalMilliseconds RelativeSpeed --- --- --- -...
In PowerShell scripts, it is often necessary to perform a particular action on all the files and subfolders in a directory. For example, delete, copy, move, or edit files according to a set of criteria. In this post we’ll show how to loop through files and folders and process each it...
Once the script is executed in your PowerShell session, you should see a similar output to the screenshot below. This shows that PowerShell loop through files, read the contents and display the output. Using foreach to loop through files and read its contents. Example 3: Getting Services an...
BREAK comand exiting entire script, not just the IF/ELSE loop Broken PSSession cmdlet Bug? Invoke-RestMethod and UTF-8 data Building a string from a Get-ADComputer output adds @{Name= to the computer name Bulk adding Active Directory users to a group by Display Name with PowerShell Bulk ch...
Do{Write-Host"Script block to process"}While($answer-eq"go") Do..Until Do..Until 构造运行脚本块,直到指定条件为 true。 此构造保证脚本块至少运行一次。 Do..Until 构造使用以下语法: PowerShell Do{Write-Host"Script block to process"}Until($answer-eq"stop") ...
This variable has a value only in a scope where parameters are declared, such as a script or function. You can use it to display or change the current values of parameters or to pass parameter values to another script or function. In this example, the Test2 function passes the $PSBo...
The placeholder variable I use represents the current item from the collection that I will be working with. The variable only gets a value inside the script block, and it will always be a different item each time I loop through the collection. TheForeachcommand is shown here: ...
Since Windows PowerShell does not run scripts out of the current folder, this mistake can't happen. If you do want to run a script out of the current folder, just specify the path: .\myscript, for example. The explicit reference to the current folder ensures that you know you're ...
Here's a brief PowerShell script example of how to design the following: A function that will accept an Office Communications Server 2007 R2-enabled user's Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URI as criteria A way to provide the user with all the information on that user's Office Communications...