By executingTest-Connectioninside of aforeachloop to read each file line, you can pass each server name represented by the$servervariable toTest-Connection. This is how PowerShell to loop through a text file. You can see an example of how this works below. foreach($serverin$servers){try{...
Example 1: Display the progress of a For loop PowerShell for($i=1;$i-le100;$i++ ) {Write-Progress-Activity"Search in Progress"-Status"$i% Complete:"-PercentComplete$iStart-Sleep-Milliseconds250} This command displays the progress of aforloop that counts from 1 to 100. ...
ForEach loop does not working. Error: Cannot convert value to type System.String. Foreach loop is returning same data multiple times instead of one foreach start loop at index[1] Foreach, $, and string concatenation ForLoop with PowerShell Excel Form buttons look different depending on...
One of several possible solutions is to first get some prerequest control value on the Web application, then trigger the HTTP request, and then use a delay loop until the prerequest control value has changed. For example, first I can fetch the value in the TextBox3 control and save it:...
The previous example has only one command between the braces, but you can add many commands, which will be processed for each loop. The indent of commands between the braces is by convention to make the script easier to review. The indent is not a technical requirement, bu...
One thing that makes Windows PowerShell easy to use, is that it automatically unravels arrays. An array is when I add more than one thing to a variable. For example, earlier I assigned three values to three variables. Now, I want to add those three variables to a single variable. So ...
Use one of PowerShell’s looping statements (for, foreach, while, and do) or PowerShell’s Foreach-Object cmdlet to run a command or script block more than once. For a detailed description of these looping statements, see Looping Statements. For example: for loop for($counter = 1; $co...
For example, -2 is transformed to 254.In PowerShell, the exit statement sets the value of the $LASTEXITCODE variable. In the Windows Command Shell (cmd.exe), the exit statement sets the value of the %ERRORLEVEL% environment variable....
For example, you can replace Switch with an If construct that uses multiple ElseIf sections. You can replace For with ForEach, or even with the ForEach-Object cmdlet. For example, having a loop that executes exactly 10 times:T-SQL Copy ...
This example processes the files and directories in the PowerShell installation directory$PSHOME. PowerShell Get-ChildItem$PSHOME|ForEach-Object-Process{if(!$_.PSIsContainer) {$_.Name;$_.Length /1024;" "}} If the object isn't a directory, the script block gets the name of the file, di...