PS >PortScan-StartAddress172.16.50.1-EndAddress172.16.50.254-GetHost .EXAMPLE PS >PortScan-StartAddress172.16.50.1-EndAddress172.16.50.254-GetHost-ScanPort .EXAMPLE PS >PortScan-StartAddress172.16.50.1-EndAddress172.16.50.254-GetHost-ScanPort-TimeOut500 .EXAMPLE PS >PortScan-StartAddress172.16.50.1-End...
You can use PowerShell to implement a simple IP scanner that scans remote hosts or IP subnets for open/closed TCP ports. To scan the range of IP addresses between and and display computers that have port 3389 open: foreach ($ip in 100..150) {Test-NetConnectio...
Powercat.exe -t<target_ip>-p<port_range> Powercat 使用TcpClient逐个端口尝试连接目标主机,查看哪些端口是开放的。它通过捕获连接错误来确定端口状态。 3.4. 文件传输 powershellCopy Code Powercat.exe -c<target_ip>-p<port>-f<file_path> Powercat 支持文件传输功能,数据通过网络连接进行传输。它将文件分割成...
Ladon domain.txt Domain2IP Ladon host.txt Host2IP026 DNS查询域内机器、IP (条件域内,指定域控IP)Ladon AdiDnsDump 查询域内机器、IP (条件域内)Ladon GetDomainIP028 扫描C段端口、指定端口扫描Ladon PortScan Ladon PortScan 80,445,3389...
4PR8) > usemodule powershell/situational_awareness/network/arpscan [*] Set Agent to Y35E4PR8 Author DarkOperator Background True Comments SecMod/blob/master/Discovery/Discovery.psm1 Description Performs an ARP scan against a given range of IPv4 IP ...
functionInvoke-PortScan{<#.SYNOPSIS简介.DESCRIPTION描述.PARAMETER StartAddress参数.PARAMETER EndAddress参数.EXAMPLEPS > Invoke-PortScan -StartAddress -EndAddress用例#>code} 异常处理 Try{$$success = $true}Catch{$success = $false} ...
For example, if your label policy is named "Global": PowerShell Set-LabelPolicy-IdentityGlobal-AdvancedSettings@{EnableAudit="False"} Then on local computers that run the information protection client, delete the following folder:%localappdata%\Microsoft\MSIP\mip ...
Get computers in specific IP range Get content out of "notes" field in Active Directory Distribution Group Get CPU and RAM usage for specific process and output to log file Get CPU-temp with powershell? get cpu%, memory MB, handles using get-process, get-counter Get date and add one mon...
-ConnectAutoNetworkInRange Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -ConnectEvenNotBroadcasting Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: ...
C:\PS>Invoke-PortScan-IpAddress192.168.0.1 Invoke-PingSweep is a function used for performing a ping sweep of a subnet range. C:\PS>Invoke-PingSweep-Subnet192.168.1.0-Start192-End224-Source Singular#NOTE: The source parameter only works if IP Source Routing value is "Yes"C:\PS>Invoke-Pi...