目录 使用 netstat 检查开放端口 使用 lsof 检查开放端口 使用 nmap 检查开放端口 在对网络连接或特定于...
Scan a range of TCP ports (from 1 to 1024) on a remote host: foreach ($port in 1..1024) {If (($a=Test-NetConnection srvfs01 -Port $port -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).tcpTestSucceeded -eq $true){ "TCP port $port is open!"}} How to List Open Ports on Windows with PowerShe...
$Ports= @($StartPort..$EndPort) } $openPorts= @() for($i= 1;$i-le$Ports.Count;$i++) { $port=$Ports[($i-1)] write-progress -activity"PortScan[$port]$result"-status"$ip"-percentcomplete (($i/($Ports.Count)) * 100) -Id 2 $client= New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient ...
端口扫描参数,若不打开就是主机存活的探测PortScan .PARAMETER Ports 需要扫描的端口,默认有:21,22,23,25,53,80,110,139,143,389,443,445,465,873,993,995,1080,1086, 1723,1433,1521,2375,3128,3306,3389,3690,5432,5800,5900,6379,7001,7002,7778,8000,8001, 8080,8081,8089,8161,8888,9000,9001,906...
PowerShell also gives another command if you want to find open or listening ports on operating systems other than Windows, like Linux.GetNetStatis a cross-platform module that can be run on multiple computers where PowerShell is installed. ...
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 80" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80 netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 443" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=443 Here is how you'd open the same ports for only the Domain and Private profiles...
' ` -Name 'myVM' ` -Location 'eastus' ` -Image 'MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2022-datacenter-azure-edition:latest' ` -VirtualNetworkName 'myVnet' ` -SubnetName 'mySubnet' ` -SecurityGroupName 'myNetworkSecurityGroup' ` -PublicIpAddressName 'myPublicIpAddress' ` -OpenPorts 80...
($portin$ports){$socket=New-ObjectSystem.Net.Sockets.TcpClient;try{$result=$socket.BeginConnect($address,$port,$null,$null);if(!$result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$False)){throw[System.Exception]::new("Connection Timeout")}"$port - open"}catch{"$port - closed"}finally{$socket....
How to open windows firewall ports with powershell How to output each loop to a single line? How to Output Entire Content of JSON Nested Hash Table in PoweShell How to parse out the DC value from distinguishedname entry in the adgroupmember commandlet How to parse text file (.eml) to ...
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