Cant return string for msExchMailboxGUID Cant use dfsutil in powershell Capture console output to a file Capture Error Return codes on computer rename using PowerShell Capturing LastExitCode from Start-Job background process Capturing log files from multiple .ps1 scripts called from within a .ba...
$msiPath = "C:\path\to\your\msi\file.msi" $arguments = "/i $msiPath /qn" # 安装参数,/i表示安装,/qn表示静默安装 $process = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $arguments -PassThru -Wait $exitCode = $process.ExitCode Write-Host "MsiExec返回代码: $exitCode" 上述脚...
actions =newList<string>();// Trigger on success code goes here// Trigger on error code goes herereturnnull; } 下图显示了这些字段在向用户显示的建议中的使用方式。 为成功触发器创建建议 对于成功的调用,我们希望扩展上次执行中使用的任何别名。 通过使用CommandLineAst,我们可以标识任何别名命令,并创建建...
Error Message Current configuration does not exist. ExecuteStart-DscConfigurationcommand with-Pathparameter to specify a configuration file and create a current configuration first. Error Code :1 5:針對特定工作識別碼產生的所有事件。 $SeparateDscOperations是群組的陣列,每個群組的名稱都是唯一的作業標識碼。
As the name implies, Windows PowerShell is a shell, not unlike the Command Prompt (Cmd.exe) that's been around since Windows NT® 3.1. Cmd.exe isn't going away, but with the availability of Windows PowerShell, there are few reasons to continue using Cmd.exe....
Summary: Pass a result code back to a calling Linux environment from Open Source PowerShell. How can I pass a numeric value back to a calling Bash Shell to indicate an error? Just simply supply theEXITcommand and a numeric value at the point where the error is flagged. For example, the...
The ComputerName parameter specifies to get the logs from the local computer, localhost. The objects are sent down the pipeline to the Where-Object cmdlet. Where-Object uses $_.RecordCount to return only logs that contain data. $_ is a variable that represents the cur...
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get,"IISSite")]publicclassGetSiteCommand:RemotingCommand{privatestringname =null; [Parameter( Position =0, ValueFromPipeline = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)]publicstringName {get{returnname; }set{ name =value; } }protectedoverridevoidEndProcessing(){base.EndProc...
Once I do everything I've just described, I am ready to start using my new custom cmdlets. Of course, I am doing everything from the command line. First, I must compile the cmdlet and snap-in code. Remember when I said I'll need to compile this code with a reference to System....
Outputs Output types To see the return types, which are also known as output types, that this cmdlet accepts, seeCmdlet Input and Output Types. If the Output Type field is blank, the cmdlet doesn't return data.