Visual Studio Code 性能注意事项 开发新式模块 编写可移植模块 如何创建标准库二进制模块 为.NET 项目选择正确的 NuGet 包 解决模块程序集依赖项冲突 创建命令行预测器 创建反馈提供程序 使用PlatyPS 创建模块帮助 PowerShell 语言规范 3.0 旧版PowerShell SDK ...
('Write-Output "') + [byte[]]@(0xC3,0x80) + [byte[]]@(0x22)$path=Join-Path([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath())'encodingtest.ps1'try{ [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($path,$bytes)switch(&$path) {$utf8Str{return'UTF-8'break} default {return'Windows-1252'break} }...
Getting a return code from invoke-command Getting a return from Poweshell.Invoke() Getting ActiveDirectoryServer:8335 Error when trying to use New-ADUser Getting all disabled users from a certain group Getting an AD user from specific OU using Powershell Getting array columns, only display secon...
Everything else is pretty much the same, and as soon as you hit Enter, the code is executed and the results displayed.If you want to use this same code repeatedly, you can simply make a function out of it. Once again, type this directly into the shell:...
private string _key = null; [Parameter( Mandatory=true, Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=true )] public string Key { get { return _key; } set { _key = value; } } private string _value = null; /// <summary>the value to store</summary> [Parameter( Mandatory=true, Position...
$typeDataParams= @{ TypeName ='System.DateTime'MemberType ='ScriptProperty'MemberName ='Quarter'Value = {switch($this.Month) { {$_-in@(1,2,3) } {return'Q1'} {$_-in@(4,5,6) } {return'Q2'} {$_-in@(7,8,9) } {return'Q3'} default {return'Q4'} } } }Update-TypeData@...
As with cmdlets,functions can use parametersand return values that can be passed to other functions or cmdlets. By describing a parameter to the shell, admins can use any type of PowerShell parameters, such as named parameters, mandatory parameters and positional PowerShell parameters. ...
{ return handleParent; } set { handleParent = value; } } [Parameter(Position = 1)] public int Index { get { return index; } set { index = value; } } protected override void ProcessRecord() { if (index == 0) { WriteObject(handleParent); } else { int ct = 0; IntPtr result ...
CALL METHOD server->response->set_status( code = 400 reason = 'Bad Request' ). RETURN. ENDIF. TRANSLATE lv_action TO UPPER CASE. TRANSLATE lv_input TO UPPER CASE. CASE lv_action. WHEN 'READ_INCL_AS_STRING'. lv_data = me->ReadInclAsString( iv_incl_name = lv_input ). WHEN 'GET...
[object] ShowRunspaceId($val) {return[PSCustomObject]@{ ThreadId = [Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId RunspaceId = [runspace]::DefaultRunspace.Id } } }$safe= [SafeClass]::new()while($true) {1..10|ForEach-Object-Parallel{Start-Sleep-ms100($using:safe)::ShowRunspaceId($...