Winrm quickconfig 或者若要啟用遠端功能,您可以使用下列 Windows PowerShell Cmdlet: PowerShell複製 Enable-PSremoting-force 重要 Windows 遠端管理透過 HTTP 進行通訊。 根據預設,Windows 遠端管理和 Windows PowerShell 遠端處理會針對傳入的未加密連線使用 TCP 通訊埠 5985,並針對傳入...
Enable and Use Remote Commands in Windows PowerShell Work Remotely with Windows PowerShell without using Remoting or WinRM Create a Transcript of What You Do in Windows PowerShell Customize the Windows PowerShell Console Basic Line Editing Tricks and Shortcuts for Windows PowerShell ...
Enable and Use Remote Commands in Windows PowerShell Run Diagnostics to Check Your System for Memory Problems Work Remotely with Windows PowerShell without using Remoting or WinRM Examine File Extensions and File Associations in Windows 7 Best Practices for Creating a Secure Guest A...
Enable-PSRemoting-Force 配置TrustedHosts winrmsetwinrm/config/client'@{TrustedHosts="<your local ip>"}'# winrm set winrm/config/client '@{TrustedHosts=","}' #多个地址用英文的逗号分隔 配置好之后需要重启一下服务: Restart-ServiceWinRM 防火墙开放 5985 端口 winrm 有两个...
Enable and Use Remote Commands in Windows PowerShell Work Remotely with Windows PowerShell without using Remoting or WinRM Create a Transcript of What You Do in Windows PowerShell Customize the Windows PowerShell Console Basic Line Editing Tricks and Shortcuts for Windows PowerShell Display Loaded ...
PowerShell2.0最重要和值得人兴奋的特性就是其具有的远程管理的能力,PowerShell远程管理可以通过远程管理计算机,远程管理是通过 WinRM(Windows Remote Management)起作用的,而WinRM是基于微软的WS-Management协议的。 在PowerShell2.0中这个特性是作为统一代码执行 ...
The first step is to enable and configure WinRM on the remote host. You will have to enable WinRM locally or remotely (for example, using RDP, psexec, orGPO). Make sure that the WinRM service is running on the target user’s computer: ...
PowerShell Remoting is enabled on most modern Windows operating systems already. If not, simply runningEnable-PSRemoting -Forceon the host is all that’s required. RunningEnable-PSRemoting -Forceon the Windows host will ensure the WinRM service is started, the appropriate firewall rules are set...
因为你没有在远程机器上开启允许远程执行PowerShell命令导致了这个错误的出现。 你需要在远程机器上用管理员权限打开PowerShell控制台,执行命令Enable-PSRemoting –Force。 再执行以上命令界面就会出现,此时你就可以在这个控制台上输入命令执行远程操作了 [ComputerName]: PS C:\Users\asttest\Documents> ...
Get-service winrm -computername $server_name 在SharePoint 服务器上,该服务应该正在运行;不过,如果本地计算机运行的是 Windows 7(或安装 Windows PowerShell 2.0 和 WinRM 2.0 的 Windows Vista),则可能需要启动该服务,并启用远程功能。为此,请键入一个命令 Enable-PSRemoting,它会执行其他两个命令 Set-WSMan...