SCCM Package with Powershell script to read from sharepoint Hi All, i have a powershell script that reads from an Excel file on sharepoint and update my calendar with shifts events. it simply create tasks on my calendar according to what present in excel sheets. when...
Hi All,i have a powershell script that reads from an Excel file on sharepoint and update my calendar with shifts events. it simply create tasks on my...
-LockState设置站点上的锁定状态。 有效值为:NoAccess、ReadOnly 和 Unlock。 以下示例设置站点标题: PowerShell Set-SPOSite-Identity"Marketing Portal" 列出和查看站点 可以使用 Get-SPOSite cmdlet 查看在 SharePoint Online 租户中创建的站点及其配...
还可以使用Add-SPOUsercmdlet 将 Microsoft Entra ID 中的安全组添加为 SharePoint 组的成员。 Remove-SPOUser cmdlet 的语法与 Add-SPOUser cmdlet 类似,但会从指定的 SharePoint 组中删除用户。 如果未指定组,则会从站点中的所有 SharePoint 组中删除用户。 要查看属于 SharePoint 组成...
使用PowerShell 管理 Microsoft 365 时,可以同时打开多个 PowerShell 会话。 你可能有不同的 PowerShell 窗口来管理用户帐户、SharePoint Online、Exchange Online、Microsoft Teams、Microsoft Defender for Office 365 功能(安全性)和 Microsoft Purview 合规性功能。
Calling the same function from within the function (calling itself) Can a file be too large to be read with Get-Content ? Can a webpage be opened in a browser by a PowerShell command, but leave the PowerShell console window as the active window? Can I change the Pagefile Location via...
Disconnects from a SharePoint Online service. Enable-SPOCommSite Enables the communication site experience on an existing classic team site. Please read instructions inmodernize classic team sitebefore attempting to execute this cmdlet. Enable-SPOTenantServicePrincipal ...
ReadReplace a String in Text File with PowerShell PowerShell Get File Size in MB To get the file size in megabytes (MB) using PowerShell, you can use theGet-Itemcmdlet to retrieve the file object and then calculate the size in MB using theLengthproperty. Here’s an example: ...
$StartingDir=Read-Host "What directory do you want to start at?" $Right=Read-Host "What CACLS right do you want to grant? Valid choices are F, C, R or W" Switch ($Right) { "F" {$Null} "C" {$Null} "R" {$Null} "W" {$Null} ...
This PowerShell copies the file locally from SharePoint Online without prompt. TheGet-PnPFilecmdlet also has other parameters like FileName, etc. Here is an example of how to download and read a CSV file from the SharePoint Online document library using PowerShell: ...