I need a PowerShell Script to Read if NetBios is Disabled Registry values in hundreds of servers I need a powershell command to replace unicode chars in a file name to a blank space i need a PowerShell script that will remotely log into a Linux server and gather all user info I need ...
foreach( $user in $userfile.Users.User) { write-host $user.Name }And when we execute it we get the following written on the screen: PS C:\Tmp> .\TestScript.ps1 Kalle Becker PS C:\Tmp>Super easy!! Next time we're going to create AD-accounts for the users in the xml-file. ...
SCCM Package with Powershell script to read from sharepoint Hi All, i have a powershell script that reads from an Excel file on sharepoint and update my calendar with shifts events. it simply create tasks on my calendar according to what present in excel sheets. ...
Hi All,i have a powershell script that reads from an Excel file on sharepoint and update my calendar with shifts events. it simply create tasks on my...
[-ReadCount <long>] [-Tail <int>] [-TotalCount <long>] [-Wait] [-Delimiter <string>] [-Stream <string>] [<CommonParameters>] To use the Get-Content command in your PowerShell script, specify the path to the file and assign the output to a variable or display it in the PowerShe...
Paste the following PowerShell script into Notepad (or another editor), and then save the file as UpdateOCSUser.ps1 in your PowerShell folder: Note The following script sample has code that wraps to the next line of the document. In addition, the script performs updates for the system confi...
Summary: Learn how to read only the first line of a file by using Windows PowerShell. How can I use Windows PowerShell to read only the first line of a file? Introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can use the-Firstparameter, for example: ...
script: Windows PowerShell basically just reads in the script text file and "types" each line it finds, exactly as if you were typing the lines manually. That means everything I've done to this point can be pasted into a script file. So, I'll use Notepad to create a file named ...
#it needs to be one line. the online version of the script is properly #formatted. $rule=new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ($Principal,$Right,"Allow") foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem $StartingDir -recurse)) { ...