(System.Object obj) ExecuteCommand Method void ExecuteCommand(int command) GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode() GetLifetimeService Method System.Object GetLifetimeService() GetType Method type GetType() InitializeLifetimeService Method System.Object InitializeLifetimeServ... Pause Method void Pause() ...
Get-Command Active Directory 显示另外 4 个 PowerShell 是面向对象的脚本语言。 它使用从 .NET Framework 中定义的 .NET 类派生的结构化对象来表示数据和系统状态。 通过利用 .NET Framework,PowerShell 提供对各种系统功能的访问权限,包括文件系统、注册表和 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 类。 PowerShe...
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.FileName = "PowerShell.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-c & '$scriptCopyCname' -Start"; p.Start(); // Read the output stream first and then wait. (Supposed to avoid deadlocks.) string output =...
# 创建示例文件: $file = New-Item testfile.txt -type file # 文件不是只读: $file.isReadOnly False # 激活只读属性: $file.isReadOnly = $true $file.isReadOnly True # 只读的文件需要指定-Force参数才能顺利删除: del testfile.txt Remove-Item : Cannot remove item C:\Users\Tobias Weltner\test...
powershell.exe -Command "& {Get-WinEvent -LogName security}" If the value of Command is a string, Command must be the last parameter for pwsh, because all arguments following it are interpreted as part of the command to execute.When
New-Item("HKCR:\$keyname\shell\myexecute1\command")-value"$psExe -NoExit -Command `"& '%L'`"" -type String New-Item ("HKCR:\$keyname\shell\myexecute2") -value '执行完关闭' -type String New-Item ("HKCR:\$keyname\shell\myexecute2\command") -value "$psExe-Command`"& '%L'...
$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path:当前脚本的执行位置(包括文件名) $MyInvocation是非常常用的变量,因此善用可以加快自动化的速度 字符串 全文本字符串 使用单引号'包裹,在这个单引号内部的所有内容都不会被转义。 $var= 1echo'var = $var'#输出var = $var ...
The balance involves making sure you return as much information as you can without causing too much impact on the performance (such as by using too much memory, taking too long to execute, and so on). Since I'll be saving text to a file, I could just return the text all by itself....
Placing the Get-Content command in parentheses forces the shell to execute the command and place the results—an array of computer names—into the –computerName parameter. Profile Beware! Keep in mind that powershell.exe isn't the only application that loads the Microsoft.PowerShell profiles or...
Windows PowerShell, you get full scripting support and interactive mode, all in one package. The examples I provide here will all be command-line input so you can type as you read; however, they’ll work equally well if you put them in a Windows PowerShell script file and run it....