The following example shows how to callPush-OutputBindingin your function script: PowerShell param($MyFirstInputBinding,$MySecondInputBinding)Push-OutputBinding-NamemyQueue-Value$myValue You can also pass in a value for a specific binding through the pipeline. ...
可以使用 -MySwitch:$boolValue 并使用 $params = @{ MySwitch = $boolValue } 散列传递来显式设置布尔值开关。 开关参数的类型为 SwitchParameter,它隐式转换为布尔值。 参数变量可以直接在条件表达式中使用。 例如: if ($MySwitch) { ... } 无需编写 if ($MySwitch.IsPresent) { ... }...
We loop through the list and use $commonParams to splat the parameters to create each virtual machine. However, we want myVM2 to be created in a different region than the other virtual machines. Instead of adjusting the $commonParams hashtable, you can explicitly define the Location parameter...
function Test-Remainder { param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [string]$Value, [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromRemainingArguments)] [string[]]$Remaining ) "Found $($Remaining.Count) elements" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Remaining.Count; $i++) { "${i}: $($Remaining[$i...
The parameter $ScriptBlock is the script block weâll pass in a later example. To execute it, we use the & (call operator). Invoke-Template supports the keyword Get-Template. We define this keyword simply by creating a function named Get-Template. Here we nest that function inside...
3 - on line 65 you are calling the function inside a variable with the filename in brackets - typically would pass the file to the function calling naming the parameter e.g. Invoke-DeGZip -infile $file 4 - the infile parameter doesn't have a type would ex...
Output leaves the function as a PowerShell object. You can therefore pass output down the pipeline to other functions such as Add-Content or other testing tools that make up your toolkit. If writing to a file while spraying with multiple passwords, it is recommend to use Add-Content rather ...
=== function ValidateParams { $validInputs = $true $errorString = "" if ($Server -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -Server parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a valid CAS Server." + "`n" } if ($ExternalName -eq ""...
Note that before attempting to create the Service Application, we first check to see if it already exists by using theGet-SPServiceApplicationcmdlet. We then use theGet-ServicePoolhelper function we created in Chapter 11 to retrieve the Service Application Pool that we will associate with the Se...