Recently I had a need to write a PowerShell script that could accept a set of parameters at script launch, and pass those parameters to an inline scriptblock to allow the input parameters to act as variables in a set of commands against a remote server. Looking a...
Computer Name in output from Invoke-Command Computer Object deletion on the different domain using ADSI ComputerInfo - Not available? Concatenating strings to pass to parameters Configure Powershell 2.0 for Remote Access Configure Smtp Virual Server in windows Server using Powershell-(Relay,Connection) ...
Link: Examples: Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:49879/api/values -Method Post -Body @{param1=test;param2=test2} 分类: Powershell 标签: PowerShell 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信...
When splatting, you do not need to use a hash table or an array to pass all parameters. You may pass some parameters by using splatting and pass others by position or by parameter name. Also, you can splat multiple objects in a single command so you don't pass more than one value ...
Best to pass variables to another class method in method parameters or call getter;setter method for variable? Best UI design pattern for C# winform project Best way of validating Class properties C# 4.5 Best way to convert 2D array to flat list? Best way to convert Word document doc/docx ...
Every DBA should have basic PowerShell skills. In this article, Greg Moore explains how to write a PowerShell script that takes parameters.
Step 9: Use PowerShell to Prompt Users to Input Parameters Most of the functions in the OCS-ALL.ps1 file require that we pass at least one parameter to them as a value that the function’s conditional code will use as criteria to formulate the returned value of the function. Here's a...
Cmdlets have a specific structure; they must be attributed in a particular way and they must be derived from a specific base class. If a particular cmdlet supports parameters, those parameters must also be attributed in a specific way, and the cmdlet must provide implementations of some specific...
PowerShell V2 feature called Splatting. Splatting is two things, it’s a way to get all of the parameters passed to a function automatically (they’re in a variable, $psBoundParameters), and it’s a way to take a list or dictionary of arguments and pass them on to the next function...
Computer Name in output from Invoke-Command Computer Object deletion on the different domain using ADSI ComputerInfo - Not available? Concatenating strings to pass to parameters Configure Powershell 2.0 for Remote Access Configure Smtp Virual Server in windows Server using Powershell-(Relay,Connection) ...