Recently I had a need to write a PowerShell script that could accept a set of parameters at script launch, and pass those parameters to an inline scriptblock to allow the input parameters to act as variables in a set of commands against a remote server. Looking a...
Advanced function parameter binding doesn't throw an exception when an array of strings is bound to aBooleanparameter. TheValidateSetattribute and theValidatePatternattribute can't pass named parameters. Advanced functions can't be used in transactions. See also...
How to pass a param to script block when using invoke-command how to pass a parameter to a module? How to pass an array of strings to a function in PowerShell? How to pass credentials in get-WMIObject command ? How to pass parameters to a PowerShell ISE script? how to point to curr...
PowerShell Parameters Parameters (or arguments) are how you customize the actions of a command. There are 4 types of commands in PowerShell, scripts, functions, Cmdlet’s, and External Commands. Scripts and Functions are the areas I’m going to focus on here and I’ll show you how parame...
nclude<string[]>] [-PassThru] [-Recurse] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [-UseTransac tion] [<CommonParameters>] 说明Copy-Item cmdlet 将项从一个位置复制到命名空间中的另一个位置。Copy-Item 不会删除所复制的项。该 cmdlet 可复制的特定项 取决于可用的 Windows PowerShell 提供程序。例如,与 FileSystem ...
Parameters must be explicitly marked as public; ones that are not marked as public default to internal and are not found by the Windows PowerShell runtime. This can lead to some confusion when you're trying to figure out why your cmdlet doesn't have the parameters you think it should ...
Start-Process[-FilePath] <string> [[-ArgumentList] <string[]>] [-WorkingDirectory <string>] [-PassThru] [-Verb <string>] [-WindowStyle <ProcessWindowStyle>] [-Wait] [-Environment <hashtable>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] ...
Select-Object[-InputObject <PSObject>] [-Unique] [-CaseInsensitive] [-SkipIndex <Int32[]>] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Select-Objectcmdlet 选择对象的指定属性或对象集。 它还可以从数组中选择唯一对象、指定数目的对象或指定位置中的对象。 若要从集合中选择对象,请使用First、Last、Unique、Skip和Index参...
Add-Type-AssemblyName<String[]> [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Add-Typecmdlet 允许在 PowerShell 会话中定义 Microsoft .NET Core 类。 然后,可以使用New-Objectcmdlet 实例化对象,并像使用任何 .NET Core 对象一样使用这些对象。 如果将Add-Type命令添加到 PowerShell 配置文件中,则该类在所有 Powe...
<string>] [-LoadUserProfile] [-NoNewWindow] [-PassThru] [-RedirectStandardError <string>] [-RedirectStandardInput <string>] [-RedirectStandardOutput <string>] [-WindowStyle <ProcessWindowStyle>] [-Wait] [-UseNewEnvironment] [-Environment <hashtable>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters...