20 How can I execute an external program with parameters in PowerShell? 0 Run powershell.exe with script body as param and other params 8 How to call an executable with parameters from powershell script 2 How to call an exe from powershell with parameters? 1 how to execute executable ...
另一种方法是向下钻取Get-Command的参数属性。 PowerShell (Get-Command-NameTest-MrParameter).Parameters.Keys Output ComputerName 添加CmdletBinding属性,将函数转变为高级函数。 PowerShell functionTest-MrCmdletBinding{ [CmdletBinding()]# Turns a regular function into an advanced functionparam($ComputerName)Writ...
($iin1..$count) {$result+=$i} } }5kb,10kb,100kb |ForEach-Object{$groupResult=foreach($testin$tests.GetEnumerator()) {$ms= (Measure-Command{ &$test.Value-Count$_}).TotalMilliseconds [pscustomobject]@{ CollectionSize =$_Test =$test.Key TotalMilliseconds = [math]::Round($ms,2)...
有关Windows PowerShell 5.1 的命令-line 选项的信息,请参阅about_PowerShell_exe。 语法 复制 Usage: pwsh[.exe] [-Login] [[-File] <filePath> [args]] [-Command { - | <script-block> [-args <arg-array>] | <string> [<CommandParameters>] } ] [[-CommandWithArgs <string>] [<CommandPar...
NAME New-Module SYNOPSIS Creates a new dynamic module that exists only in memory. SYNTAX New-Module [-Name] <String> [-ScriptBlock] <ScriptBlock> [-ArgumentList <Object[]>] [-AsCustomObject] [-Cmdlet <String[]>] [-Function <String[]>] [-ReturnResult] [<CommonParameters>] DESCRIPTION ...
Get-Help may report parameters with ValueFromRemainingArguments attribute as pipeline-able (#23871) Code Cleanup We thank the following contributors! @xtqqczze, @eltociear Minor cleanup on local variable names within a method (#24105) Remove explicit IDE1005 suppressions (#21217) (Thanks @xtqq...
Extension : .exe Definition : C:\WINDOWS\system32\ipconfig.exe Source : C:\WINDOWS\system32\ipconfig.exe Version :10.0.18362.1Visibility : Public OutputType : {System.String} Name : ipconfig.exe CommandType : Application ModuleName : Module : RemotingCapability : PowerShell Parameters : ...
Parameters EXAMPLES See Also Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0, Windows PowerShell 3.0Starts Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). You can use PowerShell_ISE.exe to start Windows PowerShell ISE at the Windows PowerShell command line or the command line of another tool, su...
Of course, by using parameter names, the command becomes a bit easier for a person to figure out. I then get the luxury of putting the parameters in any order I want: VB ./Get-Something –filePath C:\Whatever –computerName SERVER1 ...
Get-Help may report parameters with ValueFromRemainingArguments attribute as pipeline-able (#23871) Code Cleanup We thank the following contributors! @xtqqczze, @eltociear Minor cleanup on local variable names within a method (#24105) Remove explicit IDE1005 suppressions (#21217) (Thanks @xtqq...