如需設定自定義預設值的相關信息,請參閱 about_Parameters_Default_Values。 參數屬性數據表 當您使用 Cmdlet 的 Full、Parameter 或Get-Help 參數時,Get-Help會顯示參數屬性數據表,其中包含參數的詳細資訊。 這項資訊包含您需要知道才能使用 參數的詳細數據。例如,Cmdlet 的說明主題 Get-ChildItem 包含其 Path 參數...
Get-Command-NameTest-MrParameter-Syntax 注意Test-MrParameter函数没有任何通用参数。 Output Test-MrParameter [[-ComputerName] <Object>] 另一种方法是向下钻取Get-Command的参数属性。 PowerShell (Get-Command-NameTest-MrParameter).Parameters.Keys
Get-Help may report parameters with ValueFromRemainingArguments attribute as pipeline-able (#23871) Code Cleanup We thank the following contributors! @xtqqczze, @eltociear Minor cleanup on local variable names within a method (#24105) Remove explicit IDE1005 suppressions (#21217) (Thanks @xtqq...
Get-HelpGet-Member-Parameter* Default parameter values Optional parameters have a default value, which is the value that is used or assumed when the parameter is not specified in the command. For example, the default value of theComputerNameparameter of many cmdlets is the name of the local ...
ForEach-Object Get-Command Get-ExperimentalFeature Get-Help Get-History Get-Job Get-Module Get-PSHostProcessInfo Get-PSSession Get-PSSessionCapability Get-PSSessionConfiguration Get-PSSubsystem Import-Module Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module ...
program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + Get-MrPSVersion + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Get-MrPSVersion:String) [], CommandNotFou ndException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFound...
Reference types are created using [ref], which is the type accelerator for the [System.Management.Automation.PSReference] type.The primary purpose of [ref] is to enable passing PowerShell variables by reference to .NET method parameters marked as ref, out, or in. You can also define your ...
Enter-PSSession[-HostName] <String> [-Options <Hashtable>] [-Port <Int32>] [-UserName <String>] [-KeyFilePath <String>] [-Subsystem <String>] [-ConnectingTimeout <Int32>] [-SSHTransport] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Enter-PSSession[[-Session] <PSSession>] [<CommonParameters>] ...
第3 章还展示了如何使用Get-Command的ParameterType参数来确定哪些命令接受这种类型的输入。 根据命令帮助的详尽程度,它可能包括INPUTS和OUTPUTS部分。 INPUTS表示可以将ServiceController或String对象通过管道连接到Stop-Servicecmdlet。 PowerShell helpStop-Service-Full ...
Get-Help may report parameters with ValueFromRemainingArguments attribute as pipeline-able (#23871) Code Cleanup We thank the following contributors! @xtqqczze, @eltociear Minor cleanup on local variable names within a method (#24105) Remove explicit IDE1005 suppressions (#21217) (Thanks @xtqq...