Email multiple people individual attachments 我正在使用 Send-MailMessage 向多个不同的收件人发送电子邮件,每个收件人都有一个单独的报告。我刚刚使用不同的附件路径为每个收件人重复发送邮件命令,但是我遇到的问题是因为我还必须使用 -UseSsl -credential 我必须在每次发送新邮件时进行身份验证。有没有一种无需每次都...
$emailMessage.Attachments.Add($attachment) For multiple attachments, just repeat those two lines of code, with the new file name. Multiple Recipients If you need to your message to multiple recipients, for theSend-MailMessagemethod: 1 $emailTo="","" For the...
Message app = Flask(__name__) #以126免费邮箱为例 app.config['MAIL_SERVER'] = '
代码语言:javascript 复制 $Email = "x" $Internal = "x" $Subject = "New" $Body = "Sending new files. Cheers!" [array]$attachments = Get-ChildItem "\\ip\ftp$\new\Fac" *.pdf if ([array]$attachments -eq $null) { } else { $Msg = @{ to = $Email cc = $Internal from = "to...
download Email(POP3) attachments script Download file in internet explorer - click save button Download File through proxy server Download Files from FTP Server Download multiple files from the artifactory repo using powershell Download webpage using powershell download windows patch files(patchid like ...
Email address GUID You can enter multiple values separated by commas. If the values contain spaces or otherwise require quotation marks, use the following syntax: "Value1","Value2",..."ValueN". To use this parameter, the AllSourceMailboxes parameter needs to be $false (t...
Sends an email message. Syntax PowerShell Send-MailMessage[-Attachments <String[]>] [-Bcc <String[]>] [[-Body] <String>] [-BodyAsHtml] [-Encoding <Encoding>] [-Cc <String[]>] [-DeliveryNotificationOption <DeliveryNotificationOptions>]-From<String> [[-SmtpServer] <String>] [-Priority...
-Attachments C:\Lit\ResearchTopics.docx -Subject "research topics" -Body "attached" ` -SmtpServer "" -UseSsl -Credential "" That is all there is to using Windows PowerShell to create a Word document, add a table, and email the docume...
New-MailboxAuditLogSearch -EndDate <ExDateTime> -StartDate <ExDateTime> -StatusMailRecipients <MultiValuedProperty> [-Confirm] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-ExternalAccess <Boolean>] [-GroupMailbox] [-HasAttachments <Boolean>] [-LogonTypes <MultiValuedProperty>] [-Mailboxes <MultiValuedProperty...
New-MailboxAuditLogSearch -EndDate <ExDateTime> -StartDate <ExDateTime> -StatusMailRecipients <MultiValuedProperty> [-Confirm] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-ExternalAccess <Boolean>] [-GroupMailbox] [-HasAttachments <Boolean>] [-LogonTypes <MultiValuedProperty>] [-Mailboxes <MultiValuedProperty...