Send($mailMessage) # 清理资源 $mailMessage.Dispose() $attachment.Dispose() $smtpClient.Dispose() 在上述示例中,你需要根据实际情况修改以下参数: $smtpServer:SMTP服务器地址 $smtpPort:SMTP服务器端口 $smtpUsername:SMTP服务器用户名 $smtpPassword:SMTP服务器密码 $senderEmail:发件人邮箱地址 $recipient...
Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : <f:WSManFault xmlns:f="" Code="2152989776" Connecting to workgroup computers remotely Constant PowerShel...
This example sends an email message with an attachment.PowerShell Copy $sendMailMessageSplat = @{ From = 'User01 <>' To = 'User02 <>', 'User03 <>' Subject = 'Sending the Attachment' Body = "Forgot to send the attachment. ...
Message app = Flask(__name__) #以126免费邮箱为例 app.config['MAIL_SERVER'] = '
$mod2.Send() The difference matters when you need to pass authentication or add attachment or add recipients. For the first method, you should arrange couple of additional objects, and you may find this somewhat tiring if you are not fond of scripting. When adding additional attrubutes, you...
I am trying to run a powershell script from inside a .cmd file. I want the script to send an email with an attachment out to one or two users using my gmail account. 1. I have a problem in that I have to run the Install command line 1 and then can run the rest ...
Attachment ("T:\PS Scripts\Images\shareddrive4.png") $att1.ContentId = "image1.png" $att2.ContentId = "image2.png" $att3.ContentId = "image3.png" $att4.ContentId = "image4.png" # $msg.Attachments.Add($att1) # $msg.Attachments.Add($att2) # $msg.Attachments.Add($att3) ...
$emailMessage.Attachments.Add( $attachment ) For multiple attachments, just repeat those two lines of code, with the new file name. Multiple Recipients If you need to your message to multiple recipients, for theSend-MailMessagemethod: $emailTo = "",""...
$mail.Attachments.Add($attachment) } } #add to array $mails += $mail; } return $mails; } end { cd $pop } } function Get-Smtp{ param( [System.String]$Path ) begin { $pop = $pwd cd $Path } process { $param = Import-Csv ".\smtp.csv" ...
If using Yahoo mail, the server the port is465. For Outlook, the server issmtp-mail.outlook.comwith port587. You can remove theAttachmentandCClines if you don't need them. Make sure to remove them from theSend-MailMessageline too. ...