Get-Content-Path$PROFILE# Load modules and change to the PowerShell-Docs repository folderImport-Moduleposh-gitSet-LocationC:\Git\PowerShell-Docs Get-Content将从文件读取的数据视为数组,其中每行文件内容为一个元素。 可以通过检查返回的内容的长度来确认此点: ...
To change my current location, I use theSet-Locationcmdlet. This is a basic command. In fact, there are three aliases created by default for this command: PS C:\> Get-Alias -Definition set-location CommandType Name ModuleName ———– —- ———- Alias cd -> Set-Location Alias chd...
To install a module manually, copy the entire module folder into a new location included in your $env:PSModulePath. In PowerShell use the Copy-Item cmdlet. For example, run the following command to copy the MyModule folder from C:\PSTest: PowerShell Copy $modulePath = $HOME\Documents\...
New-Item -path$folderPath-name$logFileName-itemType"File"Write-Host"创建日志文件完毕...---"-ForegroundColor Green }#***导入AD的PowerShell执行模块Import-Module ActiveDirectory#***读取计算机文件TXT(格式一行一个)$computerObjects= Get-Content d:\ps\zj_xp.txt#***要移动的计算机到目标的所在的OU$...
Can you write to an open excel file using powershell? can't catch an error from rename-item Can't get [DateTime]::TryParseExact to work using PowerShell Can't get get-adcomputer to filter on Description... Can't Import AD Module Powershell Can't run Get-Acl on files containing a ...
PowerShell 复制 New-AzVm ` -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroupVM" ` -Name "myVM" ` -Location "EastUS" ` -VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" ` -SubnetName "mySubnet" ` -SecurityGroupName "myNetworkSecurityGroup" ` -PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIpAddress" ` -Credential $cred ...
Module: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Sends output to a file. Syntax PowerShell Out-File[-FilePath] <string> [[-Encoding] <Encoding>] [-Append] [-Force] [-NoClobber] [-Width <int>] [-NoNewline] [-InputObject <psobject>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] ...
Test-ModuleManifest Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration Update-Help Wait-Job Where-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics Microsoft.PowerShell.Host Microsoft.PowerShell.Management Microsoft.PowerShell.Security Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility ...
Invokes a job to swap the location of a site with another site while archiving the original site. New-SPOAppBillingPolicy Creates a new billing policy for an application owned by the tenant. New-SPOContainerType This cmdlet creates a new container type of standard or trial status. The sta...
Install-Module Jump.Location There is also a Chocolatey package for Jump-Location. To install via Chocolatychoco install Jump-Location Otherwise you can still install it manually.Download the latest release. Open properties for zip file and click "Unblock" button if you have one. Unzip Open a ...