Summary: Easily find the path to a Windows PowerShell module. How can I easily find the location where a Windows PowerShell module is installed? Use thePathproperty from thePSModuleInfoobject that returns from theGet-Modulecmdlet, for example: (Get-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility).path...
cmdlet Find-Module 使用Name 参数指定 PowerShellGet 模块。 Repository 参数指定搜索 PSGallery 存储库。示例6:在多个存储库中查找模块此示例使用 Register-PSRepository 指定存储库。 Find-Module 使用存储库搜索模块。PowerShell 复制 Register-PSRepository -Name MySource -SourceLocation
How can I easily find the path to a Windows PowerShell module? Use theGet-Modulecmdlet and a wildcard character for the name, and select thePathproperty. The following script finds the PowerShellISEModule (an optional module in the Script Repository): (Get-Module -ListAvailable PowerShellIse...
commandInvoke-ScriptAnalyzerin thePSGalleryrepository. The object is sent down the pipeline toSave-Module. ThePathparameter determines the location to save the module.Verboseis an optional parameter, but displays status output in the PowerShell console. The verbose output is beneficial for ...
Run into (similar) issue when try to load the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module in the OnLoadAsync method of custom extension. Able to load this module directly into a PowerShell Polyglot Notebook code block as a workaround, but would prefer to be able to load it dynamically / automatical...
Example 1: Find all available packages from a package providerThis command finds all available PowerShell module packages in a registered gallery. Use Get-PackageProvider to get the provider name.PowerShell Copy Find-Package -ProviderName NuGet Name Version Source Summary --- ---...
if a script requires loading a module orcalling on an external data fileor other dependency, you need to specify the path and filename in PowerShell. Herein lies the problem: a file’s location on my computer doesn’t guarantee it’s the same place on yours. As such, a hardcoded path...
Find-Command can use the name of a command to locate the module in a repository. It's possible that a command name exists in multiple ModuleNames.PowerShell Kopiér Find-Command -Repository PSGallery -Name Get-TargetResource Name Version ModuleName Repository --- --- --- --- Get-Target...
问题一:鼠标右键找不到powershell 解决方法:在当前目录的空白处,按住shift,然后再鼠标右击目标文件,就可以看到powershell啦。哈哈~ 问题二:报错:internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:968 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'body-parser' internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:968 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find...
Beginning in PowerShell 5. 0, you can create your own . NET classes and include them in scripts and modules. I've been having fun working on and teaching A Class of Wine. If you're a PowerShell scr