Get-Service-Namew32time |Select-Object-Property* 默认情况下,PowerShell 以表的形式返回四个属性,并将五个或更多属性作为列表返回。 但是,某些命令应用自定义格式来替代表中显示的默认属性数。 可以使用Format-Table和Format-List手动替代这些默认值。
还可以使用Select-Object和Format-Listcmdlet 显示对象的属性值。Select-Object和Format-List各有一个 Property 参数。可以使用 Property 参数指定一个或多个属性及其值。也可以使用通配符 (*) 来表示所有属性。 例如,以下命令显示 pwsh.exe 文件的所有属性的值。
Select-Objectcmdlet 的Property参数选择进程名称。 这会向每个[System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule]实例添加一个ProcessNameNoteProperty,并使用当前进程的ProcessName属性的值填充它。 最后,使用Format-Listcmdlet 在列表中显示每个进程的名称和模块。 PowerShell
Connect-UPService$Printers=Get-UPPrinter$Printer=$Printers.Results |Where-Object{$_.Shares.DisplayName-eq"<Share Name>"} 批处理取消共享打印机 连接到通用打印 获取感兴趣的打印机列表 取消共享打印机集合 备注 此示例显示所有共享打印机的未共享。 若要仅取消共享选择打印机,可以在检索打印机时添加其他筛选...
DeserializeFromPSObject(PSObject) Method Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ContainerRegistry.Models.Api202301Preview Assembly: Az.ContainerRegistry.private.dll Deserializes a PSObject into an instance of TlsProperties. C# 複...
The System.Diagnostics.Process .NET Framework object contains 51 properties—any one of which one could use to define “unique.” Without specifics, one cannot be certain what unique characters will return for the object. An additional aspect of uniqueness to consider arises because of the object...
Windows PowerShell Tip: Using Calculated Properties Windows PowerShell Tip: Using Test-Path to Verify the Existence of an Object Windows PowerShell Tip: Using the Switch Statement Windows PowerShell Tip: Working With Custom Objects Windows PowerShell Tip: Working With SIDs Windows PowerShell Tip: ...
shortcuts and hotkeys that you can use to navigate Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) more quickly, and describes the updated ISE object model. Also included are tips for configuring $ps.ISE options, profiles, and properties. This quick reference is provided byPowerShell ...
Here is the ouput of all settings obtain with that commands (Get-WmiObject -Class Lenovo_BiosSetting -Namespace root\wmi -ComputerName $Computername).CurrentSetting | Where-Object {$_ -ne ""} | Sort-Object USB Support,Enabled;[Optional:Disabled,Enabled] ...
Once you have filtered the userlist you can store just the SAMAccountName property in a variable and loop over those directly. Hi, yes, powershell have replace command, for example: Get-ChildItemc:\file.txt|Foreach-Object{(Get-Content$_.FullName)|Foreach-Object{$_-replace"word you ...