Formats the output as a list of properties in which each property appears on a new line. Syntax PowerShell Format-List[[-Property] <Object[]>] [-GroupBy <Object>] [-View <string>] [-ShowError] [-DisplayError] [-Force] [-Expand <string>] [-InputObject <psobject>] [<CommonParameters...
就像的 ForEach-ObjectArgumentList 參數一樣,arguments參數允許將值陣列傳遞至設定接受它們的腳本區塊。注意 從Windows PowerShell 3.0 開始擷取屬性,以及針對集合中的每個項目執行方法,也可以使用「純量物件和集合的方法」來完成。 您可以在這裡 深入瞭解about_Methods。
$Schedule=New-OBSchedule-DaysOfWeekSaturday, Sunday-TimesOfDay16:00 備份排程需要與原則建立關聯,您可以使用Set-OBScheduleCmdlet 來達成。 PowerShell Set-OBSchedule-Policy$NewPolicy-Schedule$Schedule 輸出 BackupSchedule : 4:00 PM Saturday, Sunday, Every 1 week(s) DsList : PolicyName : RetentionPolicy...
To find the properties of aMatchInfoobject, type the following command: Select-String -Path test.txt -Pattern 'test' | Get-Member | Format-List -Property * Related Links
The ToLower method is built into the System.String class, and it produces an all-lowercase representation of the string's value. It doesn't change the actual contents of the variable $var, though. To see a complete list of everything the System.String class is capable of doing, pipe a...
(Partial results list of printers)"$Printers.ContinuationToken"MyZRVkZCUVVGQlFVRXZMeTh2THk4dkx5OHZMMGxCUVVGQk5IQTRiREY0YWpOdU1DdEtPSG94T1dwUWNHWm5kejA5"$MorePrinters=Get-UPPrinter-ContinuationToken$Printers.ContinuationToken$MorePrinters.Results"(Printer results list continued from previously left off...
The syntax for the text file is simple; you just place the name of each computer you want to work with on its own individual line. The -Computers parameter allows you to supply a list of computers from the command line when you run the script. To use this parameter, you place within ...
This cmdlet enables you to track the progress of a SharePoint page's copy operation. Get-SPOPublicCdnOrigins This cmdlet returns a list of CDN Origins in your SharePoint Online Tenant Get-SPORestrictedAccessForSitesInsights This cmdlet enables the administrator to check status of all active an...
The ID of the target subscription. userEmail String User Email. location String Location for NewRelic. onOk Func<HttpResponseMessage,Task<IOrganizationsListResponse>,Task> a delegate that is called when the remote service returns 200 (OK). onDefault Func<HttpResponseMessage,Task<IEr...
Common properties defined by the schema: Verb: The name of the cmdlet verb (CheckGet-Verbfor valid verb names) Noun: The name of the cmdlet noun OriginalName: The original native command name and location OriginalCommandElements: Some native commands have additional mandatory switches to execute ...