使用Microsoft Intune 管理延伸模組,在 Intune 中上傳 PowerShell 腳本。 然後,在 Windows 10 裝置上執行這些腳本。 管理延伸模組可增強 MDM) (Windows 裝置管理,並讓您更輕鬆地移至新式管理。重要 若要支援擴充的功能和錯誤修正,請使用 .NET Framework 4.7.2 或更新版本搭配 Windows 用戶端上的 Intune 管理延伸...
$query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery; $query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='FSObjType'/><Value Type='Lookup'>1</Value></Eq></Where>"; $folders = $oList.GetItems($query); #Get the name and Url for the folder foreach ($folder in $folders) { $folder.Name }...
The command lists only the directly contained items, much like using thedircommand incmd.exeorlsin a UNIX shell. To show items in subfolder, you need to specify theRecurseparameter. The following command lists everything on theC:drive: ...
Name conflicts occur when more than one command in the session has the same name. Importing a module causes a name conflict when commands in the module have the same names as commands or items in the session. Import-Modulemight add commands that hide and replace commands in the current sessi...
The provider allows you to view, navigate, and change items in the data store as though they were data in a file system. The data store is accessed by the name of the drive that it supports. The drive is listed in the default display of the Get-PSProvider cmdlet, but you can get in...
Windows PowerShell Tip: Selecting Items From a List Box Windows PowerShell Tip: Taking Things (Like File Paths) Literally Windows PowerShell Tip: Three Things You Might Not Know About Windows PowerShell Functions Windows PowerShell Tip: Using Calculated Properties Windows PowerShell Tip: Using Test...
This parameter is available only in Exchange Server 2010 The Replicas parameter specifies a list of public folder databases with which to replicate this public folder. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the database. For example: ...
Both commands start the Windows command interpreter, issuing adircommand on theProgram Filesfolder. Because this foldername contains a space, the value needs surrounded with escaped quotes. Note that the first command specifies a string asArgumentList. The second command is a string array. ...
functionlistRecurse { <# 遍历所有子目录 #> param( $traverseType='', $path='' ) # Write-Output "`tpath=$path" if($traverseType-eq'd') { $lst=(Get-ChildItem-Directory$path) } else { $lst=(Get-ChildItem$path) } # 子目录数目len ...
Within PowerShell there is a built in Cmdlet calledNew-TemporaryFile. Running this cmdlet simply creates a random 0 byte file in the$ENV:Tempfolderin whichever platform you are working in. However, we canborrowthe filename created and use it to create a folder instead. It’...