How can i get only list of 1st level folders in a documnet library in sharepoint to generate report. $list.Folders is getting me all sub folders also. #Folder Name in each of the folder foreach ($folder in $list.Folders) {
PS>"Today is $(Get-Date)"Today is12/02/201913:15:20PS>"Folder list: $((dir c:\ -dir).Name -join ', ')"Folder list: Program Files, Program Files (x86), Users, Windows 数组表达式运算符@( ) 以数组形式返回一个或多个语句的结果。 结果始终为 0 个或多个对象的数组。
PowerShell 复制 Get-PublicFolder -Identity \NON_IPM_SUBTREE -Recurse | Format-List Name本示例从系统文件夹根 (\NON_IPM_SUBTREE) 开始,返回所有系统文件夹的名称(默认情况下不显示这些名称)。示例3PowerShell 复制 Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\Legal\Documents\Pending Litigation"...
This Get-FolderSize script uses a super fast Scripting.FileSystemObject COM object, with an optional fallback to robocopy.exe with the logging only option (no actual copying), to list directories where you do not have access to one or more files or subfolders (then the COM object returns $n...
例如,您可以執行下列命令,以顯示 powershell.exe 的上述屬性值,其中 $pid 包含 Windows PowerShell 執行中工作階段的處理序識別碼:Get-Process -Id $pid -FileVersionInfo | Format-List *version* -Force 新的Enter-PSHostProcess 與 Exit-PSHostProcess Cmdlet 可讓您將處理程序中的 Windows PowerShell 指令...
If I use the–Fileparameter, I do not get the initial folder list: Get-ChildItem -Path E:\music\Santana -Recurse –File The command and output from the command are shown here: Easy sorting One of the really cool things that Windows PowerShell does is makes it easy to sort information....
在本示例中,将 Get-MailPublicFolder 命令的输出通过管道传递到 Format-List 命令,以便在结果中显示所有可用信息。 示例2 PowerShell 复制 Get-MailPublicFolder -Identity \Marketing\Reports 本示例将返回启用邮件的公用文件夹 Reports 的信息,该文件夹位于 Marketing 顶级公用文件夹中。 示例3 PowerShell 复制 ...
Get-CalendarDiagnosticAnalysis Get-CalendarDiagnosticLog Get-CalendarDiagnosticObjects Get-CalendarNotification Get-CalendarProcessing Get-Clutter Get-EventsFromEmailConfiguration Get-ExternalInOutlook Get-FocusedInbox Get-InboxRule Get-Mailbox Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration Get-MailboxCalendarFolder Get-MailboxExpo...
Of course, most people might want to search only a few spots.Get-Childitemcan even be told to “Search only this list of folders.” In the following example, I am going to search the C:\Users folder, an HSG folder on my USB key (Drive L: ), and a folder named “Whoops\Not\This...