knowing what software is installed on a device becomes more challenging. For example, the Start menu likely won’t list .appx packages installed under another user’s profile, which makes it difficult for administrators to identify all the software installed on a device. This can also pose a s...
Get-Appxpackageis a PowerShell command that can display a list of the app packages that are installed in a user profile. It includes all the applications that are installed from the Microsoft Store or third-party apps. When using the command, if you receive an error—Powershell Get-Appxpack...
当然,我们没有必要手动打开该目录进行查询已经安装好的模块,PowerShell为我们提供了Get-InstalledModule命令,其语法格式如下: Get-InstalledModule[[-Name] <String[]>][-MinimumVersion <String>][-RequiredVersion <String>][-MaximumVersion <String>][-AllVersions][-AllowPrerelease][<CommonParameters>] 其参数...
Cmdlet New-WinUserLanguageList International Cmdlet New-WSManInstance Microsoft.WSMan.Management Cmdlet New-WSManSessionOption Microsoft.WSMan.Management Cmdlet Optimize-AppxProvisionedPackages 3.0 Dism Cmdlet Optimize-VHD Hyper-V Cmdlet Optimize-VHDSet Hyper-V...
Import-Alias ipal Import an alias list from a file. New-Alias nal Create a new alias. Set-Alias sal Create or change an alias. Get-AppvClientPackage Return App-V Client Packages. Get-AppxPackage List the app packages installed in a user profile. Remove-AppxPackage Remove an app package ...
Convert-ChocolateyToWinget.ps1: Change from managing various packages with Chocolatey to WinGet. Export-EdgeKeywords.ps1: Returns the configured search keywords from an Edge SQLite file. Export-InstalledPackages.ps1: Exports the list of packages installed by various tools. 🆙 Find-InstalledPrograms....
解决win10自带microsoft edge出现浏览器闪退、打开网页显示空白、无法新建标签业等问题。打开这个文件夹:C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\保留以下两个文件夹:Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_20.10240.16384.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe和Settings其余的全部删除(好像还有一个文件夹...
Add-AppxPackage Adds a signed app package (.appx) to a user account. Get-AppxLastError Get the last error reported in the app package installation logs. Get-AppxLog Gets an app package installation log. Get-AppxPackage Gets a list of the app packages (.appx) that are installed in a us...
Find-AppxPackage Install WSA package. Pipeline from find-package is supported. Install-Package-ProviderName WSAProvider-Name<WSAPackageName> Get list of installed packages Get-Package-ProviderName WSAProvider UnInstall WSA Package UnInstall-Package-Name<WSAPackage>-ProviderName WSAProvider ...
PowerShell offers extensive commands for managing apps on Windows, such as Get-AppxPackage, which can get a list of app packages that are installed in a user profile or for all users. However, you will need to run it with admin permission.Advertisements ...