把对应的链接复制到online link generator里 Generation Project 主页:https://store.rg-adguard.net/ 搜索到的Files里的 .appx 后缀的安装包 用Powershell安装应用 需要用到的命令格式如下: Add-AppxPackage-PathC:\path-to-app\app-name.appx 输入完毕后按回车,开始部署: 等待进度结束就安装成功了...
Add-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore_12107.1001.15.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.AppxBundle ``` 这些命令分别用于安装`Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.4`和`Microsoft.WindowsStore`两个包。请注意,这些命令需要管理员权限才能执行。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分
在开始菜单“所有应用”中找到Windows PowerShell右击以管理员身份运行 界面如图所示 把你想要删除的应用对应的指令输入进去按回车:比如我要删除手机伴侣(Phone Companion)它对应的指令复制这条指令:Get-AppxPackage *phone* | Remove-AppxPackage 粘贴的到Windows PowerShell界面然后回车,出现这种情况说明...
Whenever any app was installed on the system it was basically downloaded from the Microsoft Store or any third-party sources need to be updated, re-registered or uninstalled, the users execute the Get-Appxpackage commands using the PowerShell app. These commands are essential when something needs...
Why are .appx packages hard to manage? APPX packages, otherwise known as Microsoft Store apps, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, and MSIX apps, aren’t built like traditional machine-wide installers. Unlike most traditionalMSI and EXE installers, .appx packages are per-user installs, which...
更新AppX 資訊清單和封裝模組以符合 MS Store 需求 (#10878) 將PowerShell SDK 的套件參考更新為 preview.5 (內部 10295) 更新ThirdPartyNotices.txt (#10834) 將Microsoft.PowerShell.Native 改成 7.0.0-preview.3 (#10826) 將Microsoft.ApplicationInsights 從 2.10.0 改成 2.11.0 (#10608) ...
are installed in a user profile. It includes all the applications that are installed from the Microsoft Store or third-party apps. When using the command, if you receive an error—Powershell Get-Appxpackage Access Denied, Not Recognized or Not Working, then this post will help you resolve ...
$logNames='Security','Application','System','Windows PowerShell','Microsoft-Windows-Store/Operational'$logEntries=$logNames|ForEach-Object-Parallel{Get-WinEvent-LogName$_-MaxEvents10000}-ThrottleLimit5$logEntries.Count50000 Parallel 参数指定为每个输入日志名称并行运行的脚本块。
有点不明白Powershell的安装方式。。。 2楼2017-01-06 13:42 回复 定哥v587 干净起步 1 把游戏那个没有部署的先放在某盘根目录然后先输入cd F:\意思就是比如先转到f盘 来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-01-06 13:50 回复 定哥v587 干净起步 1 然后再输入上面的add appx那就行了 来自iPhone客户端4楼...