以下命令新建文件夹C:\temp\New Folder: PowerShell New-Item-Path'C:\temp\New Folder'-ItemTypeDirectory 以下命令新建空的文件C:\temp\New Folder\file.txt PowerShell New-Item-Path'C:\temp\New Folder\file.txt'-ItemTypeFile 重要 结合使用 Force 开关与New-Item命令来创建文件夹时,如果文件夹已存在,...
To add a prefix to all files in a folder, run the commands below. In our example, the prefixProject 1 –is added to all the files in the specific folderDocuments. $folder="C:\Temp\Documents"(Get-ChildItem-File$folder)|Rename-Item-NewName{"Project 1 - "+$_.Name} Copy This is what...
To work with a specific folder, I use theGet-ChildItemcmdlet. This cmdlet has been around since Windows PowerShell 1.0, but in more recent versions of Windows PowerShell, it has gained a couple of additional useful switches. First, just list a specific folder: Get-ChildItem -Path E:\music...
winget list--namePowerShell--upgrade-available 如果有可用的升級,輸出會指出最新的可用版本。 備註 升級時,PowerShell 不會從 LTS 版本升級至非 LTS 版本。 它只會升級至最新版的 LTS,例如,從 7.4.3 升級至 7.4.7。 若要從 LTS 版本升級至較新的穩定版本或下一個 LTS,您必須使用該版本的 MSI 安裝新版...
例如,您可以執行下列命令,以顯示 powershell.exe 的上述屬性值,其中 $pid 包含 Windows PowerShell 執行中工作階段的處理序識別碼:Get-Process -Id $pid -FileVersionInfo | Format-List *version* -Force 新的Enter-PSHostProcess 與 Exit-PSHostProcess Cmdlet 可讓您將處理程序中的 Windows PowerShell 指令...
Get-Module-ListAvailable 이 명령은 현재 세션으로 가져온 모듈뿐만 아니라 설치된$env:PSModulePath모든 모듈을 가져옵니다. 이 명령은 다른 위치에 설치된 모듈을 나열하지 않습니다. ...
$files = Get-SFTPChildItem -SessionId '0' -Path $source how to ignore folder from list $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name return null value after converting ps1 to exe $PSCommandPath is $null in parameters section and during debugging 32 bit vs 64 bit odbc connection problems 64bit - win32reg...
PS C:\PowerShell> [System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]) ListDirectory ReadData WriteData CreateFiles CreateDirectories AppendData ReadExtendedAttributes WriteExtendedAttributes Traverse ExecuteFile DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles ReadAttributes WriteAttributes Write Delete ReadPermi...
AddedGet-7Zipto get a list of files in an archive (#9, contributed by @gigi81) v1.3 30 March, 2016 AddedPasswordparameter to bothCompress-7ZipandExpand-7Zip(#8) Motivation I've written and maintaining the module just for fun and to serve my own needs. If it's useful for you too...
Of course, most people might want to search only a few spots.Get-Childitemcan even be told to “Search only this list of folders.” In the following example, I am going to search the C:\Users folder, an HSG folder on my USB key (Drive L: ), and a folder named “Whoops\Not\This...