UrlThe URL of the request.string *AllDictionary<string,string>keys are case-insensitive. Response object The response object that you should send back is of the typeHttpResponseContext, which has the following properties: PropertyDescriptionType ...
To provide these dynamic parameters, the navigation provider must implement the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Navigationcmdletprovider.Moveitemdynamicparameters* method to get the required parameter values from the item at the indicated path, and return an object that has properties ...
Compile a list of firstname, last name and their AD accounts using PowerShell Compile an powershell script to DLL Compine multiple variables into a single CSV Compress the multiple files into one zip file from source to destination Computer Name in output from Invoke-Command Computer Object dele...
CollectionOfUser() Creates an new CollectionOfUser instance. Fields 展開資料表 __additionalProperties Properties 展開資料表 Item[String] OdataCount OdataNextLink Value Methods 展開資料表 Add(String, Object) Clear() ContainsKey(String) CopyFrom(IDictionary) Copy...
[ClassName]::MethodName(parameter list) To call a method on an object, place a dot between the variable that represents that object and the method name: $objectReference.MethodName(parameter list) PS C:Usersv-ylian>Get-Process | where {$_.Id -eq 3700} ...
PsfLauncher*.exestarts. It loadsconfig.jsonwhich contains the script to run - in this caseCreateShortcuts.ps1. After the script runs, the appHelloWpf\HelloWpf.exeis launched. The script will only run when the app is launched the first time. Seeherefor t...
object is represented by a character-separated list of the property values of the object. The property values are converted to strings by using theToString()method of the object, so they're represented by the name of the property value.Export-Csvdoesn't export the methods of the object. ...
Fill out the four data fields for each script in the config.json file. WebJEA offers three scenarios to control script access: default access (all users), admin access and access to a specific script. For default access, I created a local group named webjea-userswhich controls which scri...
If you don't know them you're the equivalent of someone who doesn't know grep ranting about how "Unix is like DOS". That might be painful to hear but it's true. select (also called select-object) - select the fields you want on an object get-member - show the properties and ...
Get-AzureADMSDeletedGroupto see if the Group is still present after the hard delete? Office Groups are retained for 30 days after a delete normally. Using the command above will give you a list of Office Groups marked for delete. UseRemove-AzureADMSDeletedDirectoryObjectto remove the group com...