# Connect-AzAccount# The SubscriptionId in which to create these objects$SubscriptionId=''# Set the resource group name and location for your server$resourceGroupName="myResourceGroup-$(Get-Random)"$location="westus2"# Set an admin login and password for your server$adminSqlLogin="SqlA...
$AppLog=New-Object-TypeNameSystem.Diagnostics.EventLog-ArgumentListApplication 如果您接著輸入$AppLog,您會看到它包含應用程式記錄檔: PowerShell $AppLog Output Max(K) Retain OverflowAction Entries Name --- --- --- --- --- 16,384 7 OverwriteOlder 2,160 Application 使用New-Object 存...
使用儲存體帳戶金鑰。服務 SAS和帳戶 SAS都使用儲存體帳戶金鑰加以簽署。 凡建立服務 SAS 的用戶端,都必須具備帳戶金鑰的直接存取權,或者被指派Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action使用權限。 若要深入了解,請參閱建立服務 SAS或建立帳戶 SAS。
# Check to ensure Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell is loaded $Snapin = get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'} if($Snapin -eq $null){ Write-host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin" Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell" } #SPListTemplateType...
The code to create the array of strings and select unique strings from the array, and the associated output are shown in the image that follows. Well, that is about all there is to selecting unique objects from a list. There are three ways to do this: use the Get-Unique cmdlet, use ...
I need to create about 20 VMs, they have different settings, such as number of CPU, Memory amount, Virtual Disk Size, Location, etc. I don’t want to mannually configure them all in GUI. So… This script will read a CSV file, and get the configuration for each VM, and then automat...
ForEach-Object[-InputObject <PSObject>] [-MemberName] <String> [-ArgumentList <Object[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell ForEach-Object[-InputObject <PSObject>]-Parallel<ScriptBlock> [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-TimeoutSeconds <Int32>] [-AsJob...
The ForEach-Object cmdlet performs an operation on each item in a collection of input objects. The input objects can be piped to the cmdlet or specified using the InputObject parameter. Starting in Windows PowerShell 3.0, there are two different ways to
Hello,I have a Sharepoint listing called "Membres" on one of my sites.I would like to create a new item in this list from a PowerShell script but I can't...
Windows PowerShell Tip: Using Test-Path to Verify the Existence of an Object Windows PowerShell Tip: Using the Switch Statement Windows PowerShell Tip: Working With Custom Objects Windows PowerShell Tip: Working With SIDs Windows PowerShell Tip: Working With Security Descriptors Working with Hash ...