winget install --id Microsoft.PowerShell.Preview --source winget Notitie Installeert het MSI-pakket op Windows-systemen met X86- of X64-processor winget . Op systemen met behulp van de Arm64-processor installeert winget u het Microsoft Store-pakket (MSIX). Zie Installeren vanuit de Microsoft...
如果值以$Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsApps\开头,则 PowerShell 在使用 ARM 处理器的计算机上安装为Microsoft Store 包或与Winget一起安装。 如果值是任何其他值,则可能是 PowerShell 安装为ZIP 包。 如果是通过 MSI 包安装的,则该信息还会显示在“程序和功能”控制面板中。
在“服务”窗口中,找到名为“Windows Update”、“Windows Modules Installer”、“Windows Defender Service”、“Windows Store Service(WSService)”、“Windows Installer”、“TrustedInstaller”等服务,右键单击,选择“停止”选项以停止相关服务。 打开任务管理器,找到名为“Microsoft.Windows.Cortana”、“Microsoft.Wind...
Windows installer create many folders MSI.temp folder on D: Disk Windows Installer Service Pops Up - Preparing To Install Windows is unable to verify the image integrity of the file ~ aadcloudap.dll Windows iso Administrator: X:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe X:\Sources> command for Windows version...
Deze methode kan worden gebruikt om PowerShell te installeren op elke versie van Linux, inclusief distributies die niet officieel worden ondersteund door Microsoft. Zorg ervoor dat u de benodigde afhankelijkheden installeert. Zie de lijst met beschikbare communityondersteuningsopties voor onders...
Herein I will try to explain what Windows PowerShell installer does behind the scenes. Installation Tasks: Choose an appropriate Powershell installer depending on the OS platform and language from The following operations are performed by the installation softwar...
从Powershell卸载/删除特殊的MS-Store应用程序 、、、 我正在寻找完美的Power Shell脚本,以便从"Windows 10“系统(所有版本/内部版本)中删除/卸载特殊的MS-Store应用程序。我可以是一个脚本,用于从整个Windows计算机或从当前Windows用户配置文件中清除应用程序。 如果我有两个变体就太好了:-) 在过去的一个月...
Earlier this week I released a new version –version 2.2.0– of myWindows Installer PowerShell modulewith great new cmdlets as well as some bug fixes. I’ll be posting moreexamplesonline, but have included a few below to give you an idea of what you can do and how they work seamlessly...
Hello,I'm trying to install a Visual C++ Redistributable package with winget. The first problem I had was that "App Installer" wasn't installed on the...
Where-Object {$_.HealthState -eq 'Uninitialized'} foreach ($agent in $agents) { $agent.DisplayName Push-Location $all\$agent\Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService Get-Task | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SystemCenter.ResetHealthServiceStore"} | ` Start-Task -Asynchronous Pop-Location...