使用PowerShellGet安装适用于企业和教育的 Microsoft StorePowerShell 模块需要Windows Management Framework 5.0。 Windows 10 默认包含该框架)。 若要使用 PowerShellGet 安装适用于企业和教育的 Microsoft Store PowerShell,请运行此命令: PowerShell # Install the Microsoft Store for Business and Education Powe...
dotnet tool install --global PowerShell dotnet 工具安装程序将$HOME\.dotnet\tools添加到$env:PATH环境变量中。 不过,当前运行的 shell 没有更新后的$env:PATH。 若要从新 shell 启动 PowerShell,可以键入“pwsh”。 从Microsoft Store 安装 可在Microsoft Store 中安装 PowerShell。 你可以在Microsoft Store网站...
As far as I know, this is not possible: You cannot sideload an app that has been downloaded from the Microsoft Apps Store. To install Microsoft Store apps that are not part of your business line, you must use the Microsoft Apps Store. Take a read at https://github.com/Microsoft/...
winget install--idMicrosoft.PowerShell.Preview--sourcewinget 注意 在使用 X86 或 X64 處理器的 Windows 系統上,winget安裝 MSI 套件。 在使用 Arm64 處理器的系統上,winget安裝 Microsoft Store (MSIX) 套件。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱從 Microsoft 市集安裝。
https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-windows 选择合适自己的安装即可。 2.2 安装 Terminal(终端) 从微软商店(Microsoft Store)当中安装即可。 安装地址(懒得搜点这里的链接):Windows Terminal - Microsoft Apps ...
从Powershell卸载/删除特殊的MS-Store应用程序 、、、 我正在寻找完美的Power Shell脚本,以便从"Windows 10“系统(所有版本/内部版本)中删除/卸载特殊的MS-Store应用程序。我可以是一个脚本,用于从整个Windows计算机或从当前Windows用户配置文件中清除应用程序。 如果我有两个变体就太好了:-) 在过去的一个月...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 Let’s go through each of these subkeys: a.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 Install The existence of this key will tell users that PowerShell is installed b.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 PID ...
# file: Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 function RegisterUILib { write-host \"registering custom cmdlets for UI automation`n\" $env:path = $env:path += \";C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\" sl 'C:\UIautomationWithPowerShell\CustomUICmdletsLib\bin\Debug' installutil.exe Cust...
did not ship with the NuGet provider, so any use of PowerShellGet also required that the NuGet provider be bootstrapped or explicitly installed. Understandably, it can be a source of deep frustration when the tool you use to install packages is dependent on a package that it cannot install...
Just run Installutil.exe with the path to your assembly. When this utility runs, it creates some registry entries under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapins\<snapinname>. When Windows PowerShell loads a snap-in, these entries are used to load the assembly and find the ...