<statement> {-AND | -OR | -XOR} <statement> {! | -NOT} <statement> 使用逻辑运算符的语句返回布尔值 (TRUE 或 FALSE) 值。 PowerShell 逻辑运算符仅计算确定语句真实值所需的语句。 如果包含 和 运算符的语句中的左操作数为 FALSE,则不计算右操作数。 如果包含 或 语句的语句中的左操作数为 TRU...
运行if 语句时,PowerShell 会将 <test1> 条件表达式计算为 true 或 false。 如果 <test1> 为true,则 <statement list 1> 运行,并且 PowerShell 将退出 if 语句。 如果 <test1> 为false,PowerShell 将评估由 <test2> 条件语句指定的条件。 有关布尔评估的详细信息,请参阅 about_Booleans。 如果<test2> 为...
Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address Check if event log source exists for non admins Check if file created today and not 0...
("DisplayName") # for each value which is not blank if ($null -ne $value -and $value -ne ""){ # The below if statement looks through the values discovered above in the uninstall Registry location and only for the programs defined in the variables above $DisplayVersion = $Read...
catch [[<error type>][','<error type>]*] {<statement list>} 错误类型用括号括起来显示。 最外部的括号表示元素是可选的。 catch关键字后跟错误类型规范和语句列表的可选列表。 如果在try块中出现终止错误,PowerShell 将搜索相应的catch块。 如果找到一个块,则执行catch块中的语句。
fails then the second stage is ElseIf statement. InElseIfblock you can also specify your conditions or test values. If the above two conditions fail then the last block is Else, which doesn’t require any condition to check and it will be directly executed when If and ElseIf statement ...
The function is created on the PowerShell command line. TheFunctioncommand uses the nameSearch-Help. PressEnterto begin adding statements to the function. From the>>prompt, add each statement and pressEnteras shown in the example. After the closing bracket is added, you're returned to a Powe...
if ($dtmDate) { Write-Host "Date selected: $dtmDate" } Here we’re using an if statement to determine whether or not $dtmDate has a value; if it doesn’t, that means the user pressed ESC. If it does have a value, then we simply echo back that value, like so:Copy...
PowerShell_Examples_v4.pdf- This two-page reference describes how to perform popular IT management and scripting tasks by using Windows PowerShell 4.0, including how to fetch data by using Management OData IIS Services, how to schedule jobs, how to add a #Requires statement to a script, and...
Ah, but what if you enter avalidoption? In that case the option is accepted, we use the switch statement to analyze the value of $result, and then we run the appropriate block of code. Onscreen, that’s going to look something like this: ...