在某些语言中,可以在if语句后放置一行代码,它将会得以执行。 在 PowerShell 中情况并非如此。 必须提供带大括号的完整scriptblock才能使其正常工作。 比较运算符 if语句最常见的用法是比较两个项。 PowerShell 具有特殊运算符,可用于不同的比较方案。 当使用比较运算符时,会将左右两侧的值进行比较。
Check if IIS running on a remote server check if object is $null Check if OS is 32bit or 64bit check If Process Is Running in another computer Check if SMB1 is enabled on the AD servers Check if string contains invalid characters Check if string starts with letter/character. check instal...
若要进一步优化此示例,可以使用elseif语句在 的值$a等于2时显示消息。 如下一个示例所示: PowerShell if($a-gt2) {Write-Host"The value$ais greater than 2."}elseif($a-eq2) {Write-Host"The value$ais equal to 2."}else{Write-Host("The value$ais less than 2 or"+" was not created or in...
WHERE IF(条件, true执行条件, false执行条件) 业务需求: 查询SUPPLIER_CLASS=0 and tp1...`TYPE_FLAG` = 1 或者 SUPPLIER_CLASS=1 实现有两种:一、使用IF函数 SELECT temp.* FROM (SELECT ...
Test-MrSupportsShouldProcess [[-ComputerName] <Object>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 同樣地,您也可以使用 Get-Command 傳回實際參數名稱的清單,包括通用參數名稱以及 WhatIf 和 Confirm。PowerShell 複製 (Get-Command -Name Test-MrSupportsShouldProcess).Parameters.Keys Output...
function Get-Sample { [CmdletBinding()] param([string]$Name, [string]$Path) dynamicparam { if ($Path.StartsWith("HKLM:")) { $parameterAttribute = [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]@{ ParameterSetName = "ByRegistryPath" Mandatory = $false } $attributeCollection = [...
Create an XML-based help topic, such as the type that's typically created for cmdlets. XML-based help is required if you are localizing help topics into multiple languages. To associate the function with the XML-based help topic, use the.EXTERNALHELPcomment-based help keyword. Without this ...
What if: Performing operation "Remove-SPSite" on Target "http://teams/sites/HR". 尝试执行带 -whatif 参数的命令时,不会删除任何内容。该参数将要求 Remove-SPSite cmdlet 显示受该命令影响的对象,而不会执行该命令。在该示例中,将显示将永久删除的对象。 生成脚本 利用一对 Windows PowerShell cmdlet(...
If your organization uses federated authentication, and your identity provider (IDP) and/or security token service (STS) isn't publicly available, you can't use a federated account to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell. Instead, create and use a non-federated account in Microsoft 365 to con...
But we always assume the attackers will find some way to get in – even if only through a user being tricked into installing a malicious application on their computer.\As with any occupation, job satisfaction for attackers (either funded by the company under attack or otherwise) plays an ...