If / else conditions are the most useful conditions in a scripting language and you may want to use multiple times while writing script. If the first condition in If the statement fails then the second stage is ElseIf statement. InElseIfblock you can also specify your conditions or test val...
There are times when this functionality is good; especially with things like part numbers where a value could fill multiple conditions (it has 5 digits so the color is red, the part number starts with the letterdmeaning it was manufacturer in Des Moines, etc.). At other times – like thi...
Do Loops & Multiple Conditions - Please Help! Do not continue until a file exists in powershell Do-While loop until input is null Does anyone know how to AutoFit Columns starting from a particular Row in Excel? Does closing the command window kill a process? Does Compare-Object return anyth...
$_.PSIsContainer }Example 6: Use multiple conditionsPowerShell Copy Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { ($_.Name -notlike "Microsoft*" -and $_.Name -notlike "PS*") -and $_.HelpInfoUri }This example shows how to create a Where-Object command with multiple conditions....
There some operators in PowerShell that let you wrap you command to the next line. The logical operators-andand-orare good operators to use if you want to break your expression into multiple lines. PowerShell if($null-ne$user-and$user.Department-eq'Finance'-and$user.Title-match'Senior'-...
When multiple parameter sets are defined, the cmdlet can indicate which parameter set to use if Windows PowerShell doesn't have enough information to make that determination. The parameter set that is used in this case is referred to as the default parameter set, and is specified using the ...
Filters objects based on conditions Select-Object Pipes only the specified properties Sort-Object Sorts the objects Tee-Object Sends the objects in two directions Table 3: Flow Control Cmdlets Assembling calls to cmdlets using the tools shown here into a script you can use whenever needed allows ...
The default value includes the name and FQDN of the Exchange server when both of the following conditions are true: You don't use this parameter. You don't use any of these parameters: IncludeAcceptedDomains, IncludeAutoDiscover, IncludeServerFQDN, or IncludeServerNetBIOSName. ...
Unfortunately a side effect of this is that if an assembly load will fail, we won’t necessarily know when the program is first loaded, only when the code path that tries to load the assembly is run. It can also set up timing conditions for assembly load conflicts; if two parts of the...
Conditions Power: Uncheck - [x] Start the task only if the computer is on AC power Logs This Script will create a log file withonlythe last run information Log file will be located as same directory asupdate-cloudflare-dns.ps1 Log file name: ...