下面是if语句的基本示例: PowerShell $condition=$trueif($condition) {Write-Output"The condition was true"} if语句执行的第一步是计算括号中的表达式。 如果计算结果为$true,则执行大括号中的scriptblock。 如果值为$false,则会跳过该脚本块。 在上面的示例中,if语句仅计算$condition变量。 其计算结果为$true...
Write-Host "条件1和条件2都为假" } 在上述示例中,首先定义了两个条件变量$condition1和$condition2,然后使用IF语句根据这两个条件的组合情况执行不同的代码块。如果$condition1和$condition2都为真,则执行第一个代码块;如果$condition1或$condition2为真,则执行第二个代码块;如果$condition1和$condition2都为假...
<condition>如果 、<if-true>或<if-false>表达式调用命令,则必须将其括在括号中。 否则,PowerShell 会为 表达式中的<condition>命令引发参数异常,并分析 和<if-false>表达式的<if-true>异常。 例如,PowerShell 会为以下三元项引发异常: PowerShell
PowerShell 7.0 引進了三元運算子,其行為類似簡化的if-else陳述式。 PowerShell 的三元運算子會根據 C# 三元運算子語法嚴密地進行模型化: <condition> ? <if-true> : <if-false> 條件運算式一律會進行評估,並將結果轉換成布林值,以判斷下一個要評估的分支: ...
1. `if`语句:用于在条件为 True 时执行一段代码块,如果条件 为 False,则不执行。 ```powershell if ($condition) { # code to be executed if condition is true } ``` 2. `if-else`语句:用于在条件为 True 时执行一段代码块,如果 条件为 False,则执行另一段代码块。 ```powershell if ($condi...
The loop also will exit if some maximum number of iterations through the loop is exceeded to prevent an infinite loop condition.Although Windows PowerShell is object-based, it is considered acceptable to refer to simple objects as variables. You can see that the navigateToApp function uses local...
SMO was introduced with SQL Server 2005 and allows you to manage servers running SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2008. To use SMO within PowerShell (if you’re not using sqlps.exe) you’ll need to load the SMO DLLs. This is easy to do at the beginning of your ...
and it can be found in many other places. The upside of a self-signed certificate is that it's free and doesn't require any infrastructure. The downside, however, is that it's really only usable on your computer. But if you just need to enable script execution on your computer—for ...
$false: ORAR is disabled and is isn't advertised in the EHLO response. This is the default value. If the email address specified in the ORAR information is a long X.400 email address, you need to set the LongAddressesEnabled parameter to the value $true. Expand table Type: Boolean ...
Checking if a Windows server is up and available to logon Checking if files exist from a csv checking the Condition continuously whether the service is stopped or not Clear Generic Credentials from Credential Manager Clearing AD MSRtcsip Attributes , Powershell NEWB Click button on web-page using...