if(Get-ProcessNotepad* ) 它會評估為 是否有傳回的進程,$false如果沒有, 則評估$true為 。 使用管線表達式或其他PowerShell語句非常有效,如下所示: PowerShell if(Get-Process| Where Name-eqNotepad ) 這些表達式可以與 和-or運算子相互-and結合,但您可能必須使用括號將它們分成子表達式。
PowerShell/PowerShellPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork7.4k Star45.9k master BranchesTags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit History 10,836 Commits .config ...
简介: powershell命令仅输出目录列表 powershell命令仅输出目录列表 大于powershell 3.0版本可以使用Get...
@{# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.RootModule =if($PSEdition-eq'Core') {'coreclr\MyCoreClrRM.dll'}else# Desktop{'clr\MyFullClrRM.dll'}# Supported PSEditionsCompatiblePSEditions ='Desktop','Core'# Modules to import as nested modules of the module specifi...
BREAK comand exiting entire script, not just the IF/ELSE loop Broken PSSession cmdlet Bug? Invoke-RestMethod and UTF-8 data Building a string from a Get-ADComputer output adds @{Name= to the computer name Bulk adding Active Directory users to a group by Display Name with PowerShell Bulk ch...
Instead, I want my script to perform a quick check to see if a given computer is actually online before trying to connect to it.The Windows PowerShell ParadigmIn other scripting languages, such as VBScript, I would typically deal with one computer at a time. That is, I would retrieve a...
Stop-Process -Name Winword -WhatIf:$false 若要确认 Winword 进程已停止,请使用 Get-Process。PowerShell 复制 Get-Process -Name Winword Output 复制 Get-Process : Cannot find a process with the name "Winword". Verify the process name and call the cmdlet again. At line:1 char:1 + Get-Pro...
The -Status handler simply asks the SCM for the service status, and sends it to the output pipe: XMLCopy try { $pss = Get-Service $serviceName -ea stop # Will error-out if not installed. } catch { "Not Installed" return } $pss.Status ...
One trick malicious users commonly attempt in other shells is creating a script with the same file name as a built-in command. So, for example, if you wanted a user to run your script, you might name it Dir.ps1 and drop it into a folder. If you convinced the user to type Dir and...
Step 2: Connect and authenticate Note Connect commands will likely fail if the profile path of the account that you used to connect contains special PowerShell characters (for example,$). The workaround is to connect using a different account that doesn't have special characters in the profile...