Syntax 复制 <condition> ? <if-true> : <if-false> 三元运算符的行为类似于简化的 if-else 语句。 计算 <condition> 表达式,并将结果转换为布尔值,以确定接下来应计算哪个分支: 如果<condition> 表达式为 true,则执行 <if-true> 表达式 如果<condition> 表达式为 false,则执行 <if-false> 表达式 例如...
TheIfconstruct uses the following syntax: PowerShell If($freeSpace-le5GB) {Write-Host"Free disk space is less than 5 GB"}ElseIf($freeSpace-le10GB) {Write-Host"Free disk space is less than 10 GB"}Else{Write-Host"Free disk space is more than 10 GB"} ...
Whether or not the result is an array depends on the number of results that were returned. If more than one, PowerShell returns an array. Otherwise, it returns the result directly so the same command can behave differently from case to case, depending on the number of results. $result = ...
The Output code box has no syntax highlighting.Coding style rulesAvoid line continuation in code samplesAvoid using line continuation characters (`) in PowerShell code examples. These are hard to see and can cause problems if there are extra spaces at the end of the line....
Syntax PowerShell Wait-Job[-Any] [-Timeout <Int32>] [-Force] [-Id] <Int32[]> [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Wait-Job[-Job] <Job[]> [-Any] [-Timeout <Int32>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Wait-Job[-Any] [-Timeout <Int32>] [-Force] [-Name] <String[]> [...
PS>Get-HelpGet-HelpNAMEGet-HelpSYNOPSIS Displays information about Windows PowerShell cmdlets and concepts. SYNTAXGet-Help[[-name] <string>] [-component <string[]>] [-functionality <string[]>] [-role <string[]>] [-category <stri ng[]>] [-full] [<CommonParameters>]Get-Help[[-name] ...
Short description Long description Syntax Examples See also Short descriptionExplains how to use a switch to handle multiple if statements.Long descriptionTo check a condition in a script or function, use an if statement. The if statement can check many types of conditions, including the val...
Table cmdlet, where it chooses the Name, Syntax, and IsSingleValued properties. The –Autosize switched parameter of the Format-Table cmdlet automatically sizes the columns to avoid cutting off property values, if possible. The code that runs when the string "Mandatory" is matched is shown ...
The UserRecipientFilter parameter specifies a condition for the client access rule that uses OPATH filter syntax to identify the user based on a limited set of recipient properties. Client Access Rules don't support the full list of available recipient properties. ...
service will use the first .exe file found in the package, have service name and service display name equal to the role name ("MyService" in our case). If you have more than one .exe in the package or want to customize Windows service details you can use extendedAdd-ServiceRolesyntax:...