}FunctionDetectUSB(){echo"*** Listening ***"echo" "$a=Get_DiskChangeecho"USB Device Information"echo" "" time: "+$a[5]" Option: "+$a[0]" Volume label: "+$a[1]" Drive Type: "+$a[2]" Model: "+$a[3]" Total Size: "+$a[4]+"GB"echo" "#函数中的所有输出 都在$a 中...
}FunctionDetectUSB(){echo"*** Listening ***"echo" "$a=Get_DiskChangeecho"USB Device Information"echo" "" time: "+$a[5]" Option: "+$a[0]" Volume label: "+$a[1]" Drive Type: "+$a[2]" Model: "+$a[3]" Total Size: "+$a[4]+"GB"echo" "#函数中的所有输出 都在$a 中...
-newfilesystemlabel:为分区命名卷标 如果你的磁盘是 mbr 需要转换为 gpt,请使用 mbr2gpt 命令。 mbr2gpt /validate /disk:磁盘编号 /allowfullos 挂载镜像:假设你的 D:\有一个 windows10.iso 的系统镜像 mount-diskimage -imagepath D:\windows10.iso get-volume:查看卷信息 假设刚刚挂载的系统镜像,盘符是...
() | Format-Table Name DriveType DriveFormat IsReady AvailableFreeSpace TotalFreeSpace TotalSize RootDirectory VolumeLabel --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- A:\ Network False A:\ C:\ Fixed NTFS True 771920580608 771920580608 988877418496 C:\ Windows D:\ Fixed NTFS True 68968414412...
Get-Volume 这将显示所有的卷,包括系统卷、数据卷等。 如果只想检查操作系统卷,可以使用以下命令: 代码语言:txt 复制 Get-Volume | Where-Object {$_.DriveType -eq 'Fixed' -and $_.FileSystemLabel -eq 'System Reserved'} 这将只返回操作系统卷,其中DriveType -eq 'Fixed'用于筛选出固定磁盘,FileSyst...
[char]$_}$count=0$labels="data1","data2"foreach($diskin$disks) {$driveLetter=$letters[$count].ToString()$disk|Initialize-Disk-PartitionStyleMBR-PassThru|New-Partition-UseMaximumSize-DriveLetter$driveLetter|Format-Volume-FileSystemNTFS-NewFileSystemLabel$labels[$count]-Confirm:$false-Force$...
Get-AzsDisk [-Location <String>] [-SubscriptionId <String[]>] [-Count \<Int32>] [-ScaleUnit <String>] [-SharePath <String>] [-Start \<Int32>] [-Status <String>] [-UserSubscriptionId <String>] [-VolumeLabel <String>] [-DefaultProfile <PSObject>] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell ...
Get-Volume -FileSystemLabel (Get-VirtualDisk).FriendlyName -ea Ignore # get the physical disks used by a virtual disk # (not very helpful because the cluster tries to spread a virtual disk # to all the physical disks) Get-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName vdisk1 | Get-PhysicalDisk ...
{ get-WmiObject win 32 _logicaldisk -Credential $credential -ComputerName $args -Filter "Drivetype=3" | ft SystemName,DeviceID,VolumeName,@{Label= "Total SIze" ;Expression={$_.Size / 1 gb -as [int] }},@{Label= "Free Size" ;Expression={$_.freespace / 1 gb -as ...
If we explore that object (also piped to get-member) we can see important items to pull up like stack trace, source, HResult, InnerException, etc.Diving into the exception object itself ( $error[0].Exception) can provide very important diagnostic details not immediately visible on the top ...