PowerShell 复制 Set-Volume [-NewFileSystemLabel <String>] -UniqueId <String> [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 复制 Set-Volume -UniqueId <String> [-DedupMode <DedupMode>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int...
PowerShell Copiar Set-VolumeScrubPolicy [-DriveLetter] <Char[]> [[-Enable] <Boolean>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell Copiar Set-VolumeScrubPolicy -ObjectId <String[]> [[-Enable] <Boolean>] [-CimSession <...
PowerShell Copiar Set-VolumeScrubPolicy [-DriveLetter] <Char[]> [[-Enable] <Boolean>] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell Copiar Set-VolumeScrubPolicy -ObjectId <String[]> [[-Enable] <Boolean>] [-CimSession <...
PowerShell 复制 Set-DedupVolume [-VolumeId <String[]>] [-OptimizeInUseFiles] [-OptimizePartialFiles] [-NoCompress <Boolean>] [-Verify <Boolean>] [-MinimumFileAgeDays <UInt32>] [-MinimumFileSize <UInt32>] [-ChunkRedundancyThreshold <UInt32>] [-ExcludeFolder <String[]>] [-ExcludeFileType...
PowerShell 复制 PS C:\> Set-DedupVolume -Volume "E:" –MinimumFileAgeDays 10 Example 3: Set the chunk redundancy threshold on a volumeThis command sets the number of identical chunks of data that the deduplication engine encounters during deduplication before the server creates a redundant ...
使用setvolumemountpointa命令需要具有管理员权限,可以通过以管理员身份运行命令提示符或者PowerShell来执行该命令。 以下是一个示例: 假设我们要将"E:\Data"这个卷映射到"D:\Mount"这个文件夹,我们可以使用以下命令: setvolumemountpointa E:\Data D:\Mount 执行完上述命令后,计算机上的"E:\Data"卷将在文件资源...
powereshell UInt32 SetBindByDriveLetter( boolean bBindByDriveLetter ); 参数 bBindByDriveLetter 一个布尔值,指示要使用的绑定类型。 BindByDriveLetter 属性设置为此值。 值说明 true通过驱动器号绑定 UWF 卷(松散绑定)。 false按卷名绑定 UWF 卷(紧密绑定)。
powershell .\SetChannelsVolume.ps1 -Volume 25 Channels count - 6 Current master volume - 20% Set master volume to - 25% Channel 1 volume - 20%, set it to 25% Channel 2 volume - 20%, set it to 25% Channel 3 volume - 20%, set it to 25% Channel 4 volume - 20%, set it to...
使用Windows PowerShell 自动运行适用于 Windows Server 的 Windows Azure Pack Identity and Access Automation with Windows PowerShell Learn 使用Windows PowerShell 编写脚本 Windows and Windows Server Automation with Windows PowerShell 使用Windows PowerShell 自动运行 Windows 和 Windows Server ...
Your typical button remap solution can be considered to be a workaround to be used to toggle the torch on or off, opening an application, pulling down the notification panel and so on. However, what Google has implemented into Android Oreo takes this a step further with letting system applic...