欺骗凭证提示是一种有效的权限提升和横向移动技术。在 Windows 环境中遇到 Outlook、VPN 和各种其他身份...
The Credential parameter specifies the username and password that's used to run this command. Typically, you use this parameter in scripts or when you need to provide different credentials that have the required permissions. This parameter requires the creation and passing of a credential object. ...
The Credential parameter specifies the username and password that's used to run this command. Typically, you use this parameter in scripts or when you need to provide different credentials that have the required permissions. A value for this parameter requires the Get-Credential cmdlet. To pause ...
$SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage($From, $tousers, $Subject, $Emailbody) $SMTPClient.Send($SMTPMessage) #查找即将过期的用户信息并发送至管理员账户 $username=Get-ADUser $user -Properties * $userobject=New-object psobject $userobject | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -...
Get-Service-Namew32time |Start-Service-PassThru Output Status Name DisplayName --- --- --- Running w32time Windows Time 注意 使用PowerShell Cmdlet 時,請務必避免對其輸出進行假設。 若要擷取在實驗室環境計算機上執行的PowerShell進程相關信息,請使用Get-ProcessCmdlet。 PowerShell Get-Process...
Enable-ServiceEmailChannel Enable-SweepRule Expedite-Delicensing Export-MailboxDiagnosticLogs Export-RecipientDataProperty Get-App Get-CalendarDiagnosticAnalysis Get-CalendarDiagnosticLog Get-CalendarDiagnosticObjects Get-CalendarNotification Get-CalendarProcessing Get-Clutter Get-EventsFromEmailConfiguration Get-Externa...
If you aren't using MFA, you should be able to use theCredentialparameter instead of theUserPrincipalNameparameter. First, run the command$Credential = Get-Credential, enter your username and password, and then use the variable name for theCredentialparameter (-Credential $Credential). If it do...
$targetUser=$ env:username $companyEmail=" blackhillsinfosec.com "$promptCaption=" Microsoft Office "$promptMessage=" Connecting to: $targetUser @ $companyEmail "$maxTries=1# 调用提示的最大次数 $ delayPrompts=2# 提示之间的秒数 $validateCredentials=$false# 如果凭据有效,则中断 $maxTries 并立即...
$CurrentUser = $env:USERNAME $SendFrom = "$*** Email address is removed for privacy ***" SendTo = "*** Email address is removed for privacy ***" #$Credential = get-credential #$SQL = "select * from db1.dbo.Surveys where created_at >= DATEADD(day, -1, CAST(GETDAT...
$chineseusername=Get-ADUser$user-Properties * | %{$_.Displayname} #邮件正文 $Emailbody= "亲爱的 $chineseusername 同学 : 您的域账户和邮箱密码即将在 $expire_days 天后过期, $pwdlastday 之后您将无法登陆计算机和收发邮件,请您尽快更改。