Get-AdminFlowUserDetails–UserId$Global:currentSession.userId 返回与流的使用有关的用户详细信息。 此示例中,将把 PowerShell 会话的已登录用户的用户 ID 用作输入。 删除流用户详细信息 PowerShell Remove-AdminFlowUserDetails–UserId'UserId' 从Microsoft 数据库中完全删除有关流程用户的详细信息。 输入用户负责...
Create multiple local user accounts with text file and disable them after a period of time time with powershell script. Create New Excel Worksheets Create object reference by specifying PID Create Outlook email draft (with HTML formatting) using PowerShell Create powershell object using dynamic ...
若要查看证书指纹,请使用Get-Item或Get-ChildItem命令查找证书。Cert:\CurrentUser\My 备注 此功能仅在 Windows OS 平台上受支持。 展开表 类型: String Position: Named 默认值: None 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False-ConnectionTimeoutSeconds指定超时之前请求可以挂起多长时间。输入一个值(以...
欺骗凭证提示是一种有效的权限提升和横向移动技术。在 Windows 环境中遇到 Outlook、VPN 和各种其他身份...
$CurrentUser = $env:USERNAME $SendFrom = "$*** Email address is removed for privacy ***" SendTo = "*** Email address is removed for privacy ***" #$Credential = get-credential #$SQL = "select * from db1.dbo.Surveys where created_at >= DATEADD(day, -1, CAST(GETDAT...
Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\my -codesigning This command uses the PowerShell Certificate provider to view information about the certificate. If the certificate was created, the output shows the thumbprint that identifies the certificate in a display that resembles the following: Output Copy Dir...
Email address GUID LegacyExchangeDN SamAccountName User ID or user principal name (UPN) To enter multiple values and overwrite any existing entries, use the following syntax: Value1,Value2,...ValueN. If the values contain spaces or otherwise require quotation marks, use the following syntax: "...
An email error message describing the limitation is sent to the user when the limit is exceeded. Additionally, an event is logged in the Application log when a user exceeds the limit. Expand table Type: UInt32 Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False...
A Log function makes it easy to write such messages, automatically prefixing the ISO 8601 time stamp and current user name: XMLCopy Function Log ([String]$string) { if (!(Test-Path $logDir)) { mkdir $logDir } "$(Now) $userName $string" | out-file -Encoding ASCII -append "$logDir...
Write-Host'- is ENABLED'# Fetch ACL for the directory$acl=$null;# Reset$acl= Get-Acl -Path$userDir# Fetch the current ownership$ownership=$acl.sddl -replace'o:(.+?)G:.+','$1'# Check if ownership matchesif($ownership-eq$adDetails.SID) { ...