$target = 'https://bing.com' switch -Regex ($target) { '^ftp\://.*$' { "$_ is an ftp address" break } '^\w+@\w+\.com|edu|org$' { "$_ is an email address" break } '^(http[s]?)\://.*$' { "$_ is a web address that uses $($matches[1])" break } } Out...
User principal name (UPN) Email address Mailbox GUID The UseCustomRouting switch is available only on the following Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets in REST API connections: Get-Clutter Get-FocusedInbox Get-InboxRule Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration Get-MailboxCalendarFolder Get-MailboxFolderPermissio...
$DataValid=$false}if($DataValid){$CurrentContext=Get-Principal-userName $AdUser-userPassword $AdUserPwd-ctxDomain $AdDomain-ctxContainer $AdContainer}else{Write-Host 传入参数不能为空,请修改。或者使用已登录的用户的凭据,请设置UserLoggedInUsersCredentials为True。详情请 Get-Help.\CreateUsersFromCsv1....
User principal name (UPN) Email address Mailbox GUID TheUseCustomRoutingswitch is available only on the following Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets in REST API connections: Get-Clutter Get-FocusedInbox Get-InboxRule Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration ...
UserDocumentation To get this object, use the New-CMApplicationDisplayInfo cmdlet. Expand table Type: AppDisplayInfo[] Aliases: AppCatalogs Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -AutoInstall Set this parameter to $true ...
MailUser PublicFolder UserMailbox If you need to findExchange objects with the same (duplicate) recipient SMTP address, run: Get-Recipient -resultsize unlimited | where {$_.EmailAddresses -like "*email@woshub.com*"} You can also get a flat list of SMTP addresses in Exchange: ...
$currentDate = Get-Date $inbox.Items | Where-Object { $_.ReceivedTime -like "*$currentDate*" -and $_.SenderEmailAddress -eq "someuser@woshub.com"} You can display the subject and body of the email. The email body can be displayed in plain text (Bodyproperty) or in HTML format (...
Email address GUID LegacyExchangeDN SamAccountName User ID or user principal name (UPN) To enter multiple values and overwrite any existing entries, use the following syntax: Value1,Value2,...ValueN. If the values contain spaces or otherwise require quotation marks, use the following syntax: "...
#Get AD User Informtion #$ADUsers = Get-ADUser -SearchBase "ou=mango,ou=ddb_group,ou=melbourne,dc=omnicom,dc=com,dc=au" -Properties proxyaddresses, emailaddress, displayname -Filter * Write-Host " " $uName=Read-Host "Please input User AD name" ...