Without parameters,Get-Commandgets all the cmdlets, functions, and aliases installed on the computer.Get-Command *gets all types of commands, including all the non-PowerShell files in the Path environment variable ($env:PATH), which it lists in the Application command type. ...
# This command deletes all of the breakpoints in the current session.Get-PSBreakpoint|Remove-PSBreakpoint 停用斷點 停用斷點並不會移除它。 它會關閉,直到啟用為止。 若要停用特定行斷點,請以滑鼠右鍵按下您要停用斷點的行,然後按兩下 [停用...
program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + Get-MrPSVersion + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Get-MrPSVersion:String) [], CommandNotFou ndException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFound...
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:2 + & $c + ~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Get-Service -Name Spooler:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException...
從PowerShell 3.0 開始,如果在 Get-Help 後援地區設定中找不到說明,則會先尋找英文、 en-US 的說明文章,再傳回錯誤訊息或顯示自動產生的說明。如需命令語法圖表中顯示的符號 Get-Help 相關信息,請參閱 about_Command_Syntax。 如需參數屬性的相關信息,例如 必要 和位置,請參閱 about_Parameters。注意...
从 PowerShell 3.0 开始,如果 Get-Help 在回退区域设置中找不到帮助,它会先查找英语 (en-US) 的帮助文章,然后返回错误消息或显示自动生成的帮助。有关命令语法图中 Get-Help 显示的符号的信息,请参阅 about_Command_Syntax。 有关参数属性(例如 Required 和 Position)的信息,请参阅 about_Parameters。
在PS中我们通过cmdlet get-command 来获取命令的摘要信息。get-command有很多的参数可以使用。如下所示: Exp: PS C:\Users\vol_20120330> get-help get-command-parameter * -ArgumentList<Object[]>获取 cmdlet 或函数在与指定的参数(如path)一起使用时的信息。ArgumentList 的别名为 Args。
Get-Command Get-ExperimentalFeature Get-Help Get-History Get-Job Get-Module Get-PSHostProcessInfo Get-PSSession Get-PSSessionCapability Get-PSSessionConfiguration Get-PSSubsystem Import-Module Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module New-ModuleManifest ...
When run from the root of the C: drive, this command returns the path of the Windows folder in the C: drive. --- Example 3: Get all paths in the Windows folder --- PS C:\> "C:\windows\*" | Resolve-Path This command returns...
Get-Command Get-ExperimentalFeature Get-Help Get-History Get-Job Get-Module Get-PSHostProcessInfo Get-PSSession Get-PSSessionCapability Get-PSSessionConfiguration Get-PSSubsystem Import-Module Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module New-ModuleManifest ...